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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Maybe it's a personal opinion but 1,2,3,reach elites look definitely reptilian. Now to me, they look mammalian.
  2. Far Cry AI is somple. Tigers and animals that run round and bite you. NOT an Elite or Promethean or banshee or drone. And Far Cry BUILDS THE ENTIRE TERRAIN. Forge is a MAP EDITOR. Is there anyway to get across to everyone this?
  3. Chief probably got one from the Dawn. And remember, a lot of assasinations involve snapping their neck or spine now, though I agree about it being a design flaw.
  4. FFA from my old clan: an octagon, a cross in the middle and FFA. No melee damage, no assasinations. Just headshots. Works pretty good.
  5. Read my ongoing fanfiction, Halo: Aegis Fatehttp://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/24930-halo-aegis-fate-fanfic/

  6. Yeah, put that in other info. Mine is nearly all as it is all species. Remember, UNSC, Storm etc can be played if you're stuck.
  7. "Welcome to the UNSC Infinity, your new home for the next few months! If you look down at your data pads, Anton should have assigned tasks and barracks for you. You may notice dead Flood, Covenant and others. If so, collect any weapons and ammo they may have. We cannot afford to waste them, speaking of which, dont be surprised at the amount of troops with Covenant rifles and forerunner weapons. Our ammo reserves have been a bit lacking. Now, anyone who is not in a squad or needs to ask questions, please follow Antons directions to the bridge. Otherwise, get to work."
  8. Nice! I guess their home world is a while away due to being unexplored yes?
  9. Yes, it was intentional. And parts 2+ will be longer, I was interrupted when I had to post thisz
  10. No shielding I would say. Or shielding and light armour. The beam would overheat pretty quickly to be balanced
  11. I'm thinking the Covenant level. Beginning cutscene? Seven pelicans and Green sorta tidy phantoms charging the spires
  12. "I know about as much as you do Ty. Your snipers disappearing was as much of a mystery and disappointment to me as it was to you! The Arbiter and Logan, I know as much as you again! All I know is that Ring-A-Ding here has decided to blast anyone who talks about F------ Forerunner tech and replace Anton as our AI! You think you're confused, you have no idea!" He immediately regretted his outburst. The stress of the week had gotten to him. He felt ill, and tired. "Look, I'm sorry for my outburst there, I... I just want to sleep. I'm sorry, but I would prefer you to leave now. We can talk fully later, once were out of the system." "And Nova. Get. Out. GET AWAY FROM MY SHIP!"
  13. The door opened, or rather slid into the wall." Both of you, sit down, tell me what is happening."
  14. ((Does, in case you want to stay on Requiem))
  15. Creative- i spend far more time on map/character/other customisation than multiplayer. Example with halo 4- (forge being first thing I did) Forge Campaign Spartan ops Matchmaking
  16. "We'll then, you know those Ptimetheans, is that you that made them green? Because if so, I would like them out. Apart from Huragok, I only want humans on my ship. Now leave me, I have business to attend to" he walked into his private study, locked it and sat. He looked at the wall for a while, just... Thinking. About The Arbiter, Flood, Prometheans, Covenant. How could so much have gone so wrong in so little days? He sent a private message to his Lieutenant. ALL SHIPS PREPARE SLIPSPACE JUMP AS PER COLE PROTOCOL TO RANDOM SYSTEM. KEEP MONITOR ON BOARD. The Infinity stormed out of the portal, into the vacuum of space and the rubble surrounding it. The fleet had done a marvelous job of mopping up the forces here. But now he had five of the original fifteen ships to return with. The Midnight, and other ships prepared to jump, leaving behind a war- torn world, ravaged by conflict without meaning. ((Nova does have control of systems remember though))
  17. Pretty much this^ Have you played on a modded map? I have, and the FPS is very slow if looking at many objects. Hopefully the next gen console will have higher budgets.
  18. "Okay, if there is no flood, I would next like to clear out the rest of our... Guests. All troops are to destroy ALL covenant forces onboard! Hey, lightbulb, if you want to be our AI, how about activating our defense systems? And the entire ship, while you're at it."
  19. "Soto" Came James' voice onto the com. "If you can hear this, then listen. I wont gorce, or beg you to stay, its your choice. I do wish you the best of luck in whatever is out there for you. And hope you don't end up in some core- world patrol duty. But if our paths ever cross again, you will always be welcome back here, I think I can speak for all my crew here in that. Just remember, keep safe." He clicked off the switch, and looked down to her and Fuchs file on the list of his crew, and added to transfer to the Lost in Time, sighed, and wished he had an entire crew like the two ODST troopers. ((Hell jumper, I really do wish you the best of luck in what ever you do. And I assure you, you will always be welcome back in this RP. Stay safe. ))
  20. Halo: Aegis Fate Quick note, this fix is set two weeks after the Chief destroyed Installation 04 B. for unknown reasons, part of the Ark was spared the destruction. This story is partly based off existing multiplayer maps and my own locale. I hope you enjoy the story of Griffin Squad as I add more and more chapters. They will be edited into this post. Constructive criticsm welcome. Part One- Begin 13:45 Hours, Alpha base, otherwise known as ‘The sandtrap’ James woke in a white room. It had no windows and no doors that were visible. Then his memory flashed. A troop bay. Black. A fireball. Black again. A distant voice called “He’s awake, sir!” He blacked out again. Then pain. On his face. “Wake up! Wake! Up!” His eyes opened. He was in some kind of troop bay. Two men stood over him. He remembered them. His vision went blurry as he tried to sit up. It was coming back to him, why he was here, where he was. The… Ark? Yes. That was where he was. A giant Forerunner installation outside the galaxy, designed to protect life from the superweapons known as the Halo Array. He looked up. “Can you remember my name?” The voice asked. Captain… Captain Luke Walker. And the other one, the medical technician. He couldn’t remember. “James! James, can you hear me?” “Urh… Yeah.” He said, rubbing his forehead, he had just noticed the killer headache he had. “Good, we thought you were in a coma, we have three others in a coma and fourteen dead. Can you walk? Come with me, I’ll jog your memory.” The captain continued, lifting a cloth flap. They walked outside, James limping occasionally on top of a small sand dune. James looked around behind him. What he thought had been a room was actually an Albatross heavy cargo dropship. It was buried in the sand, crashed and had a tent flap with a rough cross painted on. “That’s the medical centre, or the closest we have to one anyway.” “What… Where are we? I remember dropping from orbit… then nothing” James asked. “We were part of a transport to resupply, refuel and reinforce the Master Chiefs assault on the Control Room. We were shot down over the desert by a Phantom which crashed not too far away after our Pelican and Hornet escorts got it. This is when you were knocked out, we took over these ruins until a covvie strike team arrived, now we’re just in a stalemate over a barren desert." File closed- End of part one Part Two- Begin The two ODST’s continued walking, and rounded the corner of a huge sandstone monument, charred away and buried after millennia of neglect. “This our Command and Control centre, or what passes for one anyways” The plain of sand, in the shade of the pillar looked more of a refugee camp than a military installation. Various troopers squatted in the shade, desperate to escape the heat and dehydration. In the middle of the arch was a lone Scorpion tank, with various Warthog LRVs surrounding it. Beyond them was a ‘Spine’ of sorts, with a hallway through the middle and once again, buried. On the top, there were smaller versions of the arch they were standing under and a direct copy of theirs further behind. Closer to home was a gravity lift, embedded in the rock, James could only assume it was to a snipers nest up top. And then, there was a gigantic vehicle. It had a large troop bay and various turrets, there were more troopers leaning against the two giant tracks on the side. There was a painting on the side of a creature and writing under it that said ‘Leviathan.’ “Now here’s the main control, The Elephant is nearly invulnerable to small arms fire, and can transport our entire infantry contingent, come inside, the Commander will want to see you” The inside of the vehicle was a hub of activity. A central computer terminal showed scans of the atmospheric composition and structures. Three ODST technicians and another wearing a modified Recon helmet stood round a terminal. “Commander, another survivor, he’s just woke up.” Reported the Lieutenant as the one with the Recon headgear looked up, and Depolarised his silver visor, turning it transparent. “And your name is?” he asked. “Corporal James Tyler, Sir!” replied the soldier as he stood to attention. “You picked a hell of a time to show up soldier” continued the officer as he removed his helmet. He had a scar over his nose, and a prosthetic eye, evidence of encounters of Sangheili wielding energy swords. “Come with me.” They walked out of the transport and up into the snipers nest. There was a single man there, wielding a Snipers rifle. There was a barricade at the front of the nest with a munitions crate behind. He passed the Commander the Anti-Matérial rifle. “At 13:33 ours, we saw fighting on the mesa. We assumed it was incoming fire, so we got up quickly. By the time we were up here, it had died down. Take a look, there’s hinge-head corpses, but no others. I propose sending a recon team to investigate, in which I volunteer.” “Good work, Sergeant” Muttered the officer, looking through the scope. “Murphy, sir” “Good work Murphy. The problem is that the squads we ave are barely able to contain what we have, Which suffice to say, is not much. I’m approving the mission, but you wil have a maximum of five volunteers. No more, I’m sorry.” File Closed- End of part two
  21. Honestly, Halo is the only thing that keeps me from going PC. I would like PC releases
  22. That is what I said. Noble were the best, too valuable to waste and sent on SpecOps missions, and given MJOLNIR armour. Jorge was a II.
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