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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Halsey would NOT sacrifice herself. At all. As seen in SO and the books, she is quite a b----, compared to the person she was made out to be in the original games. I hate her as a character but she has been written brilliantly. She will die to protect John/Spartans but not humanity in general. I really hope she is killed off though.
  2. GUASS cannons are essentially Railguns. Slightly different but not lasers.
  3. No. It is complicated to do in the first place, without the stuff people put in. Software is not a limiting factor, Halo 5 will most likely use the Havok engine, as all previous ones have done. Point being, software doesn't matter.
  4. ((You leaving RP?)) "I.. I'm sorry? You cannot leave now. We still have this ship to take. Tell me, how do you expect to GET to Earth? My fleet is in combat, our ship is boarded and You." He walked closer. " You have a job to do, no one is leaving until this ship is clear of ALL hostiles. In a combat situation, this is not the time." He began to go back to the holographic display. "Oh, and please explain how you came in contact with ONI. I assure you, our transmitters for long range are down." He went back to work, wishing that problems could be solved for once, rather than created.
  5. Inside or outside the structure? That level was creepy. The first half wandering round with blood and creepy sounds, the second half with space zombies. And giant popcorns.
  6. No. Far Cry is a TERRAIN BUILDER. Forge is a map EDITOR. The AI in far cry is, additionally, simple animals. Not something as complex as an Elite or Promethean. And MC? That is a very easy game to code. The AI is programmed to jump up one- high blocks and walk in circles then chase the player. All three games are EXTREMELY DIFFERENT. The engines they run on, the BASE CODING. Software limitations don't matter. It's the coding itself. If the AI wouldn't glitch out of terrain, it could potentially be in a 360 game, but it would be. End. Of.
  7. Have you completed Halo 4 legendary SOLO? I completed it today, it was much easier than I expected. Anyway, how many people have accomplished this?
  8. Essay time! After the war, a group called Servants of the Aboding truth wanted to overthrow arbiter. ONI began to give them weapons to start a civil war. In one of these meetings, Jul M'Dama was captured and sent to Onyx. He was improsoned and eventually set to wander round in an explosive harness. He had an engineer escort who he talked to about the forerunners to keep impressions he was still religious. In paticular the Didact and Requiem. The engineer showed him some symbols on a portal, where he threatened to blow it up If he wasn't set free. The Huragok was forced to save Forerunner tech and released him. He was sent to a Sangheili occupied colony where he explained the Great Schism and war. He then began to study the portal he arrived from, piecing together launguage to find.... You guessed it, requiem. There they waited, building their armies for four years until chief arrives. And you know the tale from there...
  9. They are both VERY powerful weapons at short range that are not melee.
  10. IT. CAN. NOT. BE. DONE. Sighs. I'm sick of explaining this. AI is coded to the terrain specifically in each map. If for gable firefight were to be done. It would be INCREDIBLY glitchy. AI would run into walls and off cliffs or just phase through. They may not even be able to go up simple ramps or stairs. IT. WOULD. NOT. WORK. And Far cry is different. Completely different so don't use that one.
  11. I would like to see more urban combat, such as Mombassa from ODST. The feel of it felt like you were constantly on your feet. This would allow for good infection maps too! New Phoenix could be a good one. I would like to also see more covenant locations ( like midship/heretic, zealot and snowbound for example) An interesting one could be an aftermath of a battle with crashed dropships you could go inside and fight in. UNSC and Covenant military bases, with airfields. This way you could go in Lichs as part of the map. A large map, set in a forest, with roads sprouting through it. There would be a base on one side with vehicles in and a large encampment with covenant vehicles in, these would be pretty far away but forerunner structures etc around would have man cannons/ teleported to help people around. (Air and heavy vehicles would be good to use)
  12. "So... I'm guessing we don't have a choice then..." The Admiral muttered as he tried to restore power around the ship. He began to relay orders to the fleet to begin making a hole in the blockade around the portal. "I need a status report. How much of the ship have we got now?" "Urh... 65% of Infinity under our control. Decks A through D are still vented and reporting no life signs apart from some Rangers. And... We have some unexpected guests again" the officer replied, pulling up screens of Sentnel units from various camera feeds. "Auto defenses?" "Up and running around essential areas and on the hull. Secondary turrets offline, as are long range communications" "Relay the troops to begin pushing on the final areas. As long as those Prometheans aren't shooting is, we can take out all hostiles on board and hopefully regain a foothold on the planet." "Sir." Was the final reply as the crewman began to message various squads around the ship.
  13. ((I meant that too. My bad.)) "How do you mean 'Temporary AI?" Demanded the Admiral, infuriated with a NEW problem arising from the list. The saying 'Two steps forward, one back' seemed to apply here.
  14. "Stop! Stop this!" Shouted the captain, jumping in front of a Spartan, arms raised. "Sir-" it protested "What do you want? What is happening with the Prometheans? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SHIP!?" He shouted, pulling his M6D pistol, not that it would be if any use, but for comfort.
  15. Command a squad. 16 people per match. Or at least only for firefight vs. Bring back ODSTs/marines/Spartans if you are humans Vehicular/ big team based ones. (Tanks, aircraft, scarab, mammoth etc) Have human, flood, Promethean, covvy and sentinel to Be able to attack you.
  16. "Anton, Is the comm array secure?" Asked the Admiral while tending to an officer who had been injured by the sword. ------ Kjal looked up. He had been out. How long, he didn't know. There were remains of the battle, burnt out husks of various vehicles and the charred remains of corpses. He tried to remember what had happened. His Revenant power core had been hit, and he was sent into a Spectre, knocking him out. He then heard the distant sounds of battle and thought it was coming from the same field he was. Then he saw explosions and plasma drifting round the sky. The Infinity hung in orbit just inside the portal, and there were plenty of ships around it. He needed to get up there. But how? There were plenty if guards up in the structure, and he would be too far in the open to try and sprint it. He activated his camouflaging systems, and went to work.
  17. My view AR/SAW- Storm/ Plasma repeater-Suppressor Pistol-Plasma pistol-Boltshot-mauler DMR-LR, Needle rifle BR-LR, Carbine Shotgun-Needler,Scattershot Knife-Energy cutlass/Energy dagger Katana- Energy sword/Stave/hammer/Hardlight blade Frag-plasma/pulse/incindiery/spike grenades Mounted machine gun-plasma cannon-flamethrower- Forerunner beam turret thing Laser/Railgun- plasma launcher Grenade launcher/sticky detonator- concussion rifle, brute shot Rocket- incineration cannon- fuel rod M7 SMG- plasma rifle, spiker M7S SMG- brute (red) plasma rifle Vehicles Mongoose-ghost, chopper Warthog- Spectre, Prowler Rocket hog- Revenant Scorpion/Grizzly-Wraith Cyclops/mantis- Hunter(that one will cause controversy) Elephant- Shadow Mammoth-Scarab Vulture-Lich Falcon-phantom Pelican-spirit Hawk-banshee Sabre- Seraph Broadsword- Space Banshee Pelican gunship (H4 model)-Phantom gunboat Hornet- Vampire Long/shortswords- Seraph/Space banshee Cobra-locust HEV-Elite drop pod Wolverine- AA wraith Gremlin- ? I'm not doing ships and ship bound weapons. And a stupid one- Golf club- Fist of Rukt. (Tartarus' Hammer from H2)
  18. Scorpion- in the time it takes to rattle off two HE rounds, the Mantis will be charging their next round of missiles. I.e, the Scorpion for its fire power, reload times and accuracy
  19. No. They were the best of the best S-IIIs, which were designed for suicide missions, and considered to good to charge the enemy with, hence they were a Special operations squad.
  20. hayabusa was a reference to Ninja Gaiden, which had made a SPARTAN II playable on an ODP station. They returned the favour with armour styled after a guy called something hayabusa... So it is unlikely to return though it explains the Japanese feel of the armour. Though I hope the shoulders are brought back.
  21. The platoon arrived in the bay just in time to see the Emporer seemingly destroy itself, and survive. They got to work with the flamethrowers, torching the hull plating and the rest of the parasite still in the vehicle bay. A muffled sound of a machine gun firing came from another bay, presumably where the Mantises where. The ODSTs manned the dual anti infantry turrets and rode the tracks. The remaining ones covering the back, where it was still vulnerable.
  22. No, I meant I'd you look closely, they have hair on their bodies and look more mammalian than reptilian.
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