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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. "Hazard, we are setting a waypoint for your vehicles HUD. Escort the engineers to the transmitter array and hold off the infestation until they can boot up the auto turrets. Then you will just need to burn away the rest of the infection. Once you have secured the array, a platoon of ODSTs outfitted with flamethrowers is awaiting your signal to assist in the defense. Good luck. Bridge out."
  2. Remember, existing factions can be played! Faction name: Talons of Sanghelios Origin: Sanghelio Primary Species: Sangheili Other species: Huragok, Jiraelhanae, Yan'me, Unggoy, kig-yar, human, Lekgolo Flag: Crossed swords above a forerunner glyph Fleet sizes: approx 34 fleets of varying sizes, ships from all species make up the fleets Population: approx 140,000 Information: this group, led by Sangheili, welcomes all species to join them. They are dedicated to researching and protecting Forerunner artefacts while destroying those who threaten them.
  3. My idea- being able to walk underwater but not swim. And we definitely need boats (like battlefield).
  4. It would be cool at first but get annoying quickly.
  5. The Prometheans who had been swarming the ship suddenly stopped firing at the sight of flood. The lights on their armour turned green as they abandoned human and covenant enemies in favour of parisitic ones. In an unspoken agreement, all fighters aboard the ship began to scour the flood away, burning and melting it. A squadron of LongSwords found the Phantom which was infected, crashed into the hull. A salvo of archer missiles brought it down quickly, "This is victor 1-5 to Infinity command, we have traced the source of flood origin, phantom destroyed, although the area around it is a mess. You'll need flamethrowers down there, the infection has consumed that room and a few corridors." The coordinates were pulled up on a holo map. The area was exactly were Hazard were going to in the Mantises. the admiral sent instructions to outfit the mechs for flamethrowers. "Hazard, the Mantises are being given flamethrowers, there is an entire flood colony exactly on top of it! Get to the Vehicle bay and use the vehicles to get there and torch away the infestation!"
  6. Chief has used EVA thruster packs in Zer-Gee missions before, such as the one where kurt was abducted to train the S-III's. I imagine training on reach would give him BASIC knowledge on how to use all UNSC hardware.
  7. Hey, urh, Hows that novel, youre uh, workin on?

    1. Fishy


      Is this towards SykoWolf?

  8. mine- All you need to do is type [avatar]Gamertag[/avatar]
  9. It is short range. get out of close range and it lands only a couple of shots.
  10. Lol, I always said it was a stormtrooper helm. Now we need a clone trooper one.
  11. ANNOUNCEMENT- The map is now in alpha stage and is ready to begin testing!
  12. I posted an OOC thread. It'sloosely based on This
  13. They are on waypoint I think as well. I have the DBD so I never needed to look.
  14. I really hope they make a Halo side game where you can play as an elite in the conquest of (X) planet against humans, that would be awesome.
  15. The Sangheili are by far the most interesting enemies. Their traditions and history as well as having tactics against them and against you. They are not bullet sponges *halo 2 brutes* Well, the flood is pretty interesting, the story behind them is anyway...
  16. Quite simply, this is a roleplay i thought of after reading Sykos fanfic. So here is the setting; It is the year 2578, and humanity has made great advances in they years following the Wars that nearly caused their extinction and is now much more powerful than ever! Recently though, remnants of the Insurrectionidts that plagued the UNSC over fifty years ago have resurfaced, with new technology of their own. Recent Fighting has caused many colonies to break away, and begin their own ideals. This is where you come in- you must create a faction(using the faction sheet below) and join the battle between hindreds of worlds in an attempt to gain control of one of the largest empires since the Forrunners. Rules- -The flagship of a fleet can be no bigger than the Infinity or similar size. -Slipspace travelling can take a few weeks for nearby planets, and months for further away planets. -Humans cannot jump accurately and must exit millions of kilometres away from a planet -covenant can arrive next to a planet -No OP faction -No forerunner/precursor faction UNLESS it is done EXTREMELY well (Sentinels, Prometheans, monitors from installations are fine though) -Same with Flood and Ancient human factions -it would take weeks, if not months to conquer a planet. GLASSING IS PROHIBITED AND MUST BE AGRREED UPON! -invading an occupied planet/system must be agreed upon -there should be two-three people operating a faction- one as a higher up person and two normal people/soldiers - remember the powers if weapons. A CCS battlecruiser can not take a MAC round from an ODP and survive. -will add more as time goes on Now the fun part- FACTION SHEET, if you do not use this, you will be denied instantly though you can reapply Name: World of origin: Primary Species: Other member species and their roles: Flag: Fleet sizes: Population: Other information: CHARACTER SHEET Only use this if you want to create a character Name(try to keep it similar to existing names for a species): Age: Species: Faction: Physical appearance: Personality: Height: Preferred weapon and vehicle(if any): Backstory: Other information; I will post mine in the thread for everyone to see. If you are stuck for planets/systems- Installation 1,2,3,5,6,7 Requiem Reach Harvest Eradinus system Earth Mars Jovian moons Jericho system Covenant home worlds Madrigal The asteroid belt where the Rebel base (was) Again I will add more and remove the taken ones. You can make up your own planet as well though. See you on the battlefield! I will begin the RP at five accepted factions. Accepted people- BaconShelf (obviously) HaloGeek Ledgend1221 SykoWolf
  17. Can we start an RP based on this? Where we control factions and the like!? Oh, and nice story, one if the best I've read on here.
  18. If you like, my GT on live is BaconShelf. And your posts are very good! Thanks!
  19. It. CANNOT. BE.DONE. *sighs* is there a point explaining why it can't be done anymore? I even posted a topic on it. If you want it that bad, forge can learn map areas and campaign can do combat skills. But you don't need these if you don't play multiplayer, do you?
  20. "Status on turrets?" Asked the Admiral, crouching behind a barricade with an MA5B. He saw a Promethean Knight turn the corner into he hallway to the bridge. It began to suppress fire until a Flood infection form came. It immediately abandoned targets in sake of the Flood. The enemy they were designed to combat and fight as their too priority. Three more teleported in, they began to fight the Flood, which although not seen, was arriving in great numbers. Flashes of Plasma fire and Bullets rained on the Forerunner soldiers. Thre was even some Hardlight fire! After the onslaught. The Battlewagon leading the group turned round, Scattershot raised. It owned its skull and screamed at the group, before teleporting away. Almost as if it was giving a temporary truce...
  21. I see it when looking at times, video pauses, dates, maths even! I always see the number 117. It plagues me. Am I alone?!
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