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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Don't forget, UNSC has M99 Stanchion GUASS rifle and GUASS cannon and a Railgun. All of which operate similarly and all of which do not exist today. MAC/ Super MAC is a gigantic Railgun. Mass Drivers as well. Those are all examples of futuristic UNSC weaponry that has been forgotten without mentioning the Splaser. Love how Contact Harvest explains UNSC warships as "A giant Railgun with engines" it fits the bill perfectly. Oh, and vehicles which carry unlimited ammo and fuel. We don't have them. And HUGE *** SPACESHIPS AND ORBITAL STATIONS, THEY'RE FUTURISTIC!
  3. "Well, they're in their way down for fire support. It can't hurt to have another person with an SMG on your side, can it?"
  4. As painful as it sounds, redowndload? Or wait for the next chapter and see if they unlock then? What message do you get when trying to load them because my 2GB DL(which took nearly 12hours) unlocked all 5 so I can't see what has gone wrong.
  6. Jacob, Bacon Shelf And I like this, it's really good! Tell me how you do these, I could use help thinking of elite characters in my fanfic! Btw, I use Kjal, after my roleplay character. But still interested
  7. I was asking for a Sangheili clan in specific, and found one. Thanks though. Oh, and this thread can be closed now, I don't need it anymore.
  8. "And when you have time, begin repairs on that big ugly scratch in our side, thanks to Arby's carrier... Do we still have any Huragok aboard? Get them there quickly!"
  9. Well, it teleports them to pelicans I made, and I may add banshees in, for the blue terminal.
  10. "Do anything you can to get turret defenses up, internal and external. And lock off the sectors with just covenant, and decompress them. That should thin their numbers."
  11. Only if they added boats. The Water-hog...
  12. "If you're lucky, you can be reanimated as flood!" Came a sarcastic reply from the admiral over the radio. "We nearly have the auto turrets up, we just need to get the ship-wide transmitter working, Hazard, I need you to get to deck Z-3, reactivated the antenna so the turrets can get targeting up. Don't worry about us, I have a squad of SPARTAN-IVs set up in the bridge. Radio in once the radio is up and we can get the autos online. If it helps, the way to Z deck is through the vehicle bay. I pelicaned murphys pet project up especially for him, and there is some Mantises still docked. The marines stationed there can escort you on the way. You're welcome. Though you have to pay for the stuff you destroy." He continued before laughing. "And Ty, I have a squad member for you. An actual medic, he's on the way to you now." He added as an afterthought. (( You can decide medic name etc, its up to you))
  13. About the teleported, I forgot to mention I chaned base fortification times so its now 60 seconds, the blues would also fortify at this point.
  14. This is a dominion game mode/ map I am building. I would like some feedback to the concept from more... Experienced forgers out there. Gamemode- The gametype is on 20 minutes time. The idea is that one team must defend as one team attacks, at the start of the game, there is 3 minutes of preparation before teleported for attackers spawn. The base is the impact base, there is various camps, rocks and even a mining vehicle for cover. In the middle if the base is a hologram with four base terminals on it; 1 controls shields and fortifications. 2 controls turrets and turret terminals. 3 controls ordanance(heavy and loadouts weapons and AAs) and 4 controls vehicles(mantises and banshees.) There is a trait zone around the Map to make it feel like space and normal inside. Objective- Blue team starts in a room with one terminal in it. They capture this terminal and get ordanance from it before a teleported spawns- this teleports them to various pelicans dotted around the base,they must take the four terminals inside to win The red team spawn in the base and have 3 minutes to get fortifications and bases up, they must then defend the assault for 20 minutes, after which they win for having the highest score if they kept the terminals. Team spawning( everyone on your team spawns at the same time) is on to make it feel more like waves. So... Thoughts? Feedback? Anything else? Images coming soon... Update- points per terminal 1/15 seconds. Loadouts- AR/DMR/BR+ magnum, dexterity, thruster, mobility, frag x2 SAW, auto turret, AA efficiency, ammo Personal ordnance is AR,BR, DMR(prdanance in this is ammunition drops) and cost one point at start with 500% increase every time Various changes I can't remember. If you would like to test this 'Firefight-esquire dominion mini game' then add me on Xbox, just message saying you want to test. (GT is BaconShelf)
  15. I agree. Though this time around, when elites are re added at some point, I would like to see armour customisation as in deoth(if not more than) Halo 3. I always enjoyed switching to elite models occasionally.
  16. Far cry has TERRAIN BUILDERS. You build/ sculpt the terrain, forge is a MAP EDITOR. For placing blocks and doors. Additionally, far cry AI you can spawn is tigers and stuff, not something as complex as Prometheans and Sangheili people repeatedly ask for.
  17. 1) use the Promthean Hardlight blade as a standard weapon 2)bring back Falcon/Hornet/UNSC aircraft 3)use a combat knife as a standard weapon (if you're out of ammo?) 4) guns could degrade like far cry. This would be interesting and a good way to counter the DMR, for example. 5)bring back evade, replace regen with drop shield 6) pre then teleport could be a nice armour ability. Two uses, done. Recharge. 7) radar jammer again EMP grenade- EMPed vehicles, shields, temporarily disables HUD for those right next to blast. 9) Keep the same size forge maps and just make better terrain(island, sea, canyon, etc. forge world style terrain) 10) covenant and forerunner skins for each object. Just under team colour, it could say onjrct skin.(if it could be done) 11) more aesthetic and functional objects on general 12) A Promethean Hardlight crossbow. Two shot kill, 5 second charge explosive bolt 13) bring back and create more gametypes.
  18. The mantis has pretty much filled the role of the wraith in reach. Probably because the tanks are OP if used correctly. But your commendations point I had never thought about. Same with the shotgun as well, unless you spam flood. Now if we got vehicle ordnance drops....
  19. James rushed onto the bridge, now clear of hostiles. "Anton, get the worm out of the system, use any means necessary. Then get internal defenses online, the auto turrets can help greatly" he then turned to a console, typed the code for the frequency and radioed in."Midnight 1-5 this is the Admiral, Infinity bridge is clear, repeat, Infinity bridge is clear! Take off and land at the bridge hangar!" Once the comm was registered, a squadron of Sabre fighters launched out of the topside launch pads specifically for the craft. The turned and banked into a dive that brought them into formation around the dropship containing the crew of Infinity. They shot down any Seraph and Banshee fighters that got too close before they were in range of the hangar. A Phantom, exiting the hangar landed a hit in the engine which sprouted a leak. Another hit anywhere would ignite the cooling fluids and turn the dropship into a fireball. It landed in the hangar and the crew sprinted our before a stray round from a Plasma repeater hit the hole, turning the hangar white for a second, burning the image into the retinas of the crew, who immediately began working their way towards the bridge. (( I say the elite swords are Hardlight swords, hence why they are red, they also have Hardlight energy shielding, which is what Promethean nights have))
  20. AI in games is coded into the map terrain specifically, otherwise it would be incredibly glitchy. If covenant spawn points were playable, they would constantly fall off of walls, cliffs etc and would not be able to function. On a similar note, Firge World and the three current forge maps were pushing the boundaries of the Xbox. Be grateful for what you have.
  21. Have you not read the hundreds of threads asking for AI spawns in forge? It cannot be done. The AI is coded specifically for the map terrain, forge would not work as it would glitch and make them run off cliffs and into walls. Forge world was pushing the EXTREME LIMITS of the Xbox 360, and the three current maps were very difficult to do, though the new Xbox has high hopes for a new forge world. Pelicans and phantoms, cool as they are, are to big and would be majorly OP.
  22. Looks pretty good, though the effects would be a major drawback if it were to be considered for matchmaking, for example. Other than that, looks really nice!
  23. Question- what do you mean by lighting budgets? I've never heard the term.
  24. Okay, I have been in more than enough clan matches with Eminence to know they are extremely good. (I was in TBE and Judges before they both broke up) Seriously, if you don't want a clan match with people, just say no. There's no need to start an argument.
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