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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. I don't care about hit and runs, or scouts. Just when 3spartan/scorpion combos come and destroy a base. That is not cool and isn't fair. Hit and runs or scouting is fair but no. Not the most OP units you can get in the first minutes
  2. The admiral looked on the crowd in the hangar. "Okay, this is it. We have less than one hour until showtime. Everyone but Hazard and Snapshot squad, you know what you are doing. You have you're orders, in this next fifty-three minutes, I would advise double, even triple checking your weapons and armour. Once this ship is off the ground, there is no going back. The two squads listed, report to Anton for briefing. You have a special assignment." He then walked to the bridge and went over the systems for the hundredth time.
  3. I would have to question that. OT- it's just an aesthetic change, just like his actual armour in game. Don't worry about it.
  4. Do you expect them to make MASSIVE and amazing things EVERY. WEEK. I hated firefight and thought I'd hate this but the mini campaign is actually one of my favourite things. And it's designed to be short, it was never advertised as series with campaign- long missions.
  5. Don't use so much formatting; it makes the text unreadable. OT- I don't really like these ideas
  6. I always wanted Plankton to seteal the Krabby Patty Formula...

  7. I agree rushing is a strategy, but I mean strategy as in where you have to think about what will happen and fortify defenses etc. The type of startegy where games end up lasting for like, an hour and a half. (That happened to me; best game of HW i played)
  8. I agree with pretty much all of it. Oh, and quoted for mobile users to read, but yes, very good points.
  9. The Midnight was a hub of activity- Mantis walkers being fitted with ammo and various vehicles driving around the hangar. Every 20 minutes, more platoons were being loaded into the hangar, every nonessential UNSC asset would be needed on this retake operation; even engineers were being fitted for armour and plasma rifles. Ammunition was becoming scarce without Infinitys help so the various outfits were becoming familiar with Plasma and Hardlight weapons. Bullets were still common but becoming increasingly rarer. A voice over the Ship wide comm system counted down until mission start. "-6 hours until Midnight launch." An ironic joke, as the Midnight would launch at midnight.
  10. Which did you prefer? Mine was the Plasma Rifle, the Brute version in Halo 2 was even more powerful. Anyway, it felt more powerful. Anyway, what does everyone else think?
  11. I, and many others care about the lore. And the Splaser is not hand portable compared to a rifle; it is a heavy weapon.
  12. I have seen too many times people thinking Jul 'Mdamas Storm Covenant were affiliated with Prophets or the original Covenant. THEY WERE NOT, ARE NOT AND NEVER WILL BE! After my rant, the full explanation is here. They were formed AFTER the Human-Covenant war. This is from the books Glasslands and The Thursday War. The third book isnt out yet so that will ahve to be updated but i beileve that is the closest answer i have seen on this forum by most people.
  13. No! Jul M'Dama was an elite warrior with the covenant. When it broke up, the Sangheili divided into civil war that engulfed Sanghelios, jul was captured by humans and taken to the shield world onyx where he escaped through a forerunner portal after learning how to read coordinates. Where he ended up had coords for Requiem, where he waited. Building his army and forces for FOUR YEARS waiting for it to open. The storm IS NOT AND NEVER HAS BEEN AFFILIATED WITH THE PROPHETS! OT: I like the covvies apart from elites. They seem more mammal like, with fur/hair on their bodies. It doesn't suit them.
  14. I have to admit, I would rather have explored a covvy ship manually than see the chief blow it up in a cutscene. Likewise, I wish I could've seen the warthog variants and te level where you explore the tunnels under Installation 05 while the Gravemind tentacles are smashing down around you, still, it was my favourite campaign.
  15. I swear I'm the only person who likes matchmaking as it is. Meh, probably because i like big team playlists.
  16. The flood need a sufficient biomass in the host to feed off; Hunters are made of worms known as Lekgolo. The worms aren't good enough- ergo no flood hunters. Grunts and jackals were in Halo Wars and on the map Abandon, there is flood Jackals in tanks. They're pretty creepy. But Drones have a shell/ exoskeleton that can protect them for a limited time.
  17. I agree on that point, it deserves the success it gets but I personally don't like it. I like the warthog music though.
  18. I am the only person who doesn't rush. It's official. What happened to strategy? It's just who can send a small assault force before the other player is ready now. :'(
  19. Are they full? If not, my GT is my username ^^
  20. "I don't really see how a battle for Infinity will be fought on the ground, she is still in the air, when we assault Vadams supercarrier, the Emperor will be a valuable asset but-" he turned round to see the trooper asleep. "We have a barracks for that..." He muttered under his breath.
  21. Need a forger? Count me in. I can also body act.
  22. Then again she has locked herself in her office and isn't responding which is why Rolamd is in charge of the last 5 SO missions.
  23. "Well considering the tight spaces aboard the ship, they won't be very useful and I don't want those Railguns hitting anything important. Once we have Infinity back, producing new Emporers will be our top priority. I will send the blueprints to the Vehicle Depots with orders to mass produce but we won't have many. If you ask nicely, Anton may be able to program one in the War Gamrs sims, if you want to test it against some armour. I'm sure he, and I, are both very interested in its performance." Was the response.
  24. James looked over the Tank. He doubted it could take on a Scarab but he knew it would easily take out entire columns of Wraiths, Ghosts, Spectres. Hell, even a Shadow could be brought down by this! "So what is it called? Bear in mind we already have Grizzlies so don't use that." He said with a smirk."come to the briefing, this an announcement to our entire garrison. And my plan won't be able to have tanks... Yet." He replied before strolling back to the Scorpion, now turned stage. He waited until the 08 AM mark before beginning. "Charlie base garrison, today, we make our stand! We make our first steps into taking back our home and lives, we begin the reclamation and take our assault to the Covenant!" He waited for the cheering and clapping to die down before continuing; "The Midnight, now landed in the canyon, is our ticket back into the skies! I am talking about retaking the Infinity!" Another round of applause. This time with more booing. "I know some of you disagree with my command, and my descisions to trust certain... Individuals but I assure you, ladies and gentlemen if the UNSC Infinity, and Charlie Base, we begin our First Strike!" He motioned to Anton to begin the holoprojection. It showed the canyon and plains between Bases Charlie and Delta, with the ship in the middle. "In times associated to each Platoon, we board the Midnight. She will then transport us up to Infinity, fully capable of taking the fire and covering as we dock next to our ship and flush out the Covenant! We will move to secure the Reactors, Engines, Hangars and Bridge. We will then secure the rest of the ship when we have the important points. The other five Frigates the survived are in hiding near Alpha and Beta and will assist us by providing fire and infantry support against the remaining CCS battle cruisers. Once we have Infinity back, we will begin to root out the Squidnecks near the entrance to Requiem, ready for additional UNSC reinforcements!" He began to climb off the tank, as various squads began to disperse, and wondered of this plan could really work?
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