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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Well, anything heavier than a couple warthogs is no longer a scout run to me. But if there's a rush happening that isn't three Spartans in special vehicles, I have more respect but three spartan scorpions is way to OP in the first few minutes, and that is all I ever get.
  2. I hope they fix many issues plaguing this game before moving to the next one though.
  3. There wasn't a halo general discussionthread and this was a future game(possibly). Anyway, I meant first contact between brutes and humans in harvest, before it goes bad and they start fighting. We could get to see a return of our favourite Sgt Johnson!
  4. Ah, that's how it happened. At first, I thought I was lagging and the forge reticule wasn't spawning.
  5. There is a CTF playlist on the big team maps, just 5v5. But yes, I hope they bring Big Team Objective or something. Separate from infinity slayer.
  6. Look on the Halo Wiki article on the Mantis, it confirms it.
  7. Seems good but please put spelling right in it. Otherwise it will be unreadable.
  8. Humans were using a flood powder for thousands of years for various things when it began to mutate and turn pets into flood. It proceeded to overwhelm the human colonies so they began to resettle on ones that forerunners had occupied. The firunners thought they were expanding and waged war. They won, but when the flood arrived, they weren't strong enough after the previous war. If humans hasn't been there, I believe the forerunners could have won.
  9. I would like to see a spin off title set in the days of the insurrection, you could play as a marine throughout OPERATION:TREBUCHET and on one mission, are posted for first contact, AKA. The start of the human-covenant war against the brutes. This means we get to experience how fighting was like on the front lines(something that hasn't really been done in the games, just side missions of blow this up, sneak around) I'm talking full on battles. I know people wont like the idea that humans are enemies and playing as a marine is too cod like but the Rebels haven't really been touched upon much in the lore compared to other things, and definitely not in a game.
  10. Not modest or anything.... I don't see why you quit because of multiplayer. Campaign is best anyway.
  11. No, I get leader rushed or 3 Spartans/3 (vehicle) within the first 5 mins that ruins my game. I don't enjoy when rushers gonna rush.
  12. Haha no. They simply cannot remove the CORE ASPECTS of the game. It would not be halo 4. In other words, do you realise how hard programming a game is? And how hard it is to make patches for said games? It's difficult. And removing stuff like this. It's hard coded into the disk, irreversible. Are you really this idiotic?
  13. Am I the only person that doesn't rush on this game? I like 30 mins to get ready and have a FAIR and even match. I take a while getting prepared so I quit when rushed by more than two warthogs.
  14. I would play one based off the book the fall of reach or first strike.
  15. I don't rush. I quit when people do rush.
  16. BaconShelf

    The spartan 4s

    Pretty much this^^^ In other words, the kids didn't remember anything about their homes or families, the IIIs were orphaned kids after covenant attacks who were perfect to make soldiers to fight them. The 4s were normal marines and ODST's and a few IIIs that were given new armour and not much augmentation.
  17. A cool armour ability could be that once activated, in a certain area around where its activated would completely wipe out other AAs. Jet packs, Hardlight, turrets? Can't be used. This affects team and enemies. Promethean teleport- ability to utilise Slipspace and phase round the map. Only within a certain range and maximum twice before a lengthy recharge, this leaves your shields down for balancing. Jackal shield- essentially a Hardlight shield that can be used while using a one handed weapon. Possible replacement for the Hardlight should it be removed. Night vision- A mode similar to VISR or night vision off reach- highlights enemies in a short distance red, weapons blue, objectives yellow and allies green. Makes screen hazy green for better opticals. Possible replacement for Promethean vision. Barricade- another new design- creates a temporary Hardlight barricade parallel to the user. Arrow facing forward- Player. Shield ->. | Can be shot down. Radar jammer- think of reaches camo effect without camo. Or completely turns off radar. Radar enhancer- allows user to see enemies, moving or still on radar for a few seconds. Flare- blinds people's screens for a few seconds with white like the equipment from halo 3. Comments?
  18. Pretty much a new Scorpion? I'm fine thanks, prefer my trusty Chaingun Warthog to these newfound contraptions anyday of the week. Except Thursdays.
  19. Spartan Ops= second best thing in the game. Yes, I can't wait.
  20. In a support role, I can see the covenants Muni-Scarab to be an effective counter to the mantis. Thoughts?
  21. EMP stuns mantis for longer than other vehicles. Add in a few Plasma grenades and its down in seconds.
  22. And no killcams- I refuse to play anything that has them.
  23. Meh, I use BR out of a long-standing preference since halo 2; I get killed more by power weapons and auto weapons than the two the OP is whining about . The Boltshot range is far too small- hence I have never been killed by or got a kill with it.(the overcharge) and same for normal. I get killed by DMR as often as BR, I sometimes win, I sometimes don't. I wish BR had longer range though. Side note: two auto weapons and a carbine? No wonder the OP gets owned. Hey, OP, if you read this, try using a headshot weapon; you will find that you don't get killed before you enter a range to kill them.
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