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Everything posted by BaconShelf

  1. Dammit, I was gonna say absolutely not... Anyway, given most of the community's choice, assault rifles would fire rockets. Scratch that, every weapon would fire rockets and be fully automatic. No. If 343 cave in to people's demands, they will be shown to be weak and people will know that with enough pushing, they can do it with 6,7,8 and 9. Much like (X) company with the Mass Effect 3 ending, or Bethesda with Fallout 3's. if they dont listen, it shows them to be able to do what they want. Though forge palette/maps and reintroduction of race, that is broader type stuff that is sensible but some weapon/story/vehicle/ general gameplay ideas ive seen are... Just awful... When people think of weapons, they don't think a drawback. Ergo, the ultimate weapon that can't be defeated...
  2. Delreuse walked over to the viewscreen, the tower overlooked Charlie's main courtyard and further away, the battle for the forerunner structure, dubbed "Charlie 1-5" and Delta base, should it be taken over. "Anton, are the nonessential troops beginning the sims yet?" Just as the last word was said, a Binary shot hit a technician, melting glass and disintegrating the body. The battle for Charlie was just beginning.
  3. I don't think it was MK VII, the MK 6 has been said to have nanobots that automatically upgrade armour in cryostasis. But it still looks good.
  4. ((Helljumper, Infinity has been abandoned. Read the other posts)) Kjal looked on in anger as the Helicopter managed to fly away. He would have killed them, he was in the position of the upper hand and they slipped through his grasp! He took the Revenant, now damaged into the battlefield. The Requiem plains were a complete warzone, artillery and anti air rounds from both sides pierced the dwindling sunlight. Pelicans dedicated to spotting enemies with giant torches were being deployed to help the army but the Storm were gaining the upper hand. The UNSC Minutes to Midnight began to pound the battlefield with everything short of a nuclear blast. In Charlie base, Mass drivers were being prepared to hit large targets such as the Scarabs. While the fight continued there, a Promethean assault force teleported in from behind and the Battle for Charlie base was on...
  5. That is a Railgun. We already have it.
  6. Bungie stated that III's cannot therefore, why Reach didn't have it. 343 stated IV's cannot, therefore why both games don't have it. II's can but it would be too much effort to redo the entire game for 8 missions with about 3 Dual-Wieldable weapons.
  7. I have played Halo 2 & 3, I know how much damage I do. But to edit the damage values like is done, it would require the game code to be rewritten. Something people don't understand is how hard it is to program a game as complex as Halo...
  8. This would require completely building the game... Again. Just for the dual wield, people don't seem to realise that weapons did less damage individually while dual wielded. Multiplayer and campaign use everything same, graphics, HUD, engine, damage values. The list goes on. It would only be feasible to do if it was in everything. I like dual wield but in terms of canon and therefore, money. It can't be done.
  9. Far cry is completely different to halo. And the AI is simple tigers and animals. Not stuff that shoots back. Forge was designed as a map editor, an idea that seems to be forgotten now.
  10. Kjal, lifted a piece of wreckage that was lying on him. He hadn't been out long, as there was still heavy fighting. Still, at least the heavy armour playing on the cockpit had done its job. He pulled out a jackals shield and wrapped it onto his wrist. With no weapons around, his energy shields wouldn't last long. He pulled out a plasma pistol from the jackal and looked past the giant leg. He saw some troops coming his way, four hunters and a pack of drones. He waited for a Revenant, which he EMPed and pulled out the elite manning it. He boosted along the plains until he saw the Spartans which had evaded him many times. He opened mortar fire on them, missing them many times but taking their shields down.
  11. With fallout I'm nearly there unintentionally, in Vegas, I just need gambling and hardcore. On 3, I need find all mothership zeta logs and steel ingots in the Pitt. That's just me being awesome at gameplay than trying. I've finished Minecraft, a wierd glitch unlocked my last achievement randomly after an update.
  12. Valve recently announced their console the steambox, do you think Half-Life 3 could be a launch title?
  13. Three dog voice actor said we may be hearing more of the dog soon. My guess? East coast. Combined with Bethesda scouting Boston... I'll let you figure that one out
  14. The Scarab rounded a corner, a human transport was taking off. He activated one of the so anti-air turrets which began to fire rapidly, the plasma hit a blade but was too slow. The transport then flew away, out of range. The scarab continued its path of destruction until it met a human vehicle, a 'Mammoth' it fired its main turret at the armour plating to no avail, the fuel rid beam charged and incinerated the vehicle, the humans inside composed by the forerunner artefact powering the machine, the more this vehicle killed, the more Prometheans would join them. Much like the flood, Ironically. ((Last post tonight, need to sleep))
  15. The flood had began to overwhelm both sides, by luck or coincidence, the two sides temporarily truced in an effort to kill their common enemy, soon, their efforts proved well and they went back at each others throats again, unawares of the smoke they were breathing was flood spores...
  16. Kjal watched a hologram of the war outside, they were gaining ground. Fast, he sent orders for three Lichs to be sent in, then took seat at the controls. The Super Scarab would surprise the humans indeed.
  17. I could have made a better argument, but I hate iPod typing.
  18. 9PM- Requiem plains. The quiet hum of the Pelicans engine was the only sound, everyone knew what was happening tomorrow, the stakes were high, the odds against them. Hundreds of artillery pieces were unlocking and forming a barricade. Trenches were dug, mindless chatter was exchanged. By 5AM, the force was ready, when first light hit the plains, all hell would break loose. 5:06AM, Charlie base command centre. Delreuse watched the steady feed of status reports coming in from the battlefield. He wished he was out there, leading the charge instead of sitting in a tower far away. "Are we ready?" He asked impatiently "Yes sir, all troops in position and ready to fire on your mark" replied another officer. "Good... Lets start this." He switched to the comm channel. "Everyone, you know the plan. Begin OPERATION: SUNBURST!" The amount of firepower launched at the wall was unbelievable, thousands of bullets, missiles, shells and plasma all flew through the air and impacted the wall. It held for a fraction of a second before exploding. Then the walkers were dispatched. Then, the order for a full charge was given and soon, the battle field was hell. Wraith mortars exchanged fire as bombing runs were given by both sides, the plains, usually quiet and picturesque was turned into a hell of bodies and bullets. The Aliens sent warriors if their own... When the flood joined the fray...
  19. ((Church, use past tense remember, it's not a script))
  20. And you must consider, I doubt a console will be able to run that. Forge world was a huge stretch of the very limits of the 360s capability and the three forge maps now was a struggle. NPCs can't be done, they are on campaign and SO/FF but the terrain is coded i to them, they would run into walls/jump off cliffs if it was on a forge map.
  21. The Sabre touched down on a landing pad, the Admiral hurried to the command centre. Charlie base was certainly impressive, ten years of hard work, manning a force equivalent to the amount carried by a covenant supercarrier, it was more if a city than a base. The hologram table showed various screens of the assault force preparing. He ran over the plan with the commanders and Anton over the comm. "All right, we have a green light on the assault, so here's the plan. Tonight, pelican and Albatross transports will lift our Cobras and Rhinos into the plains, our convoys of warthogs and scorpions will then make camp behind this line, protected by artillery and Wolverines for Anti Air defense. The charge will begin at sunlight, Cyclops and artillery will pound the walls of the Forerunner structure and gain an Entrance point, Mantises will then storm the hole and flush out immediate resistance and set up an outpost inside. This outpost will then be garrisoned by Elephants and the Three Mammoths we have waiting. All air assets will be on call to deliver support and bombing runs. The UNSC Minutes To Midnight will offer assistance in taking down the big targets." He looked at a clock on the wall, "get rest now, we have a long night ahead. Once we have secured these plains, we can begin planning an op to secure the Infinity. Good luck to us all." In the courtyard below, vehicles of all kinds were being loaded onto aircraft, every second would count tonight. This battle would be the decider on wether a human presence would remain on Requiem.... Or if the Covenant had their victory...
  22. "Anton, we have contacted the base, they are preparing an assault on the camp. Give us a signal when you're ready for it, okay?"
  23. "Roger that Anton, we're making our way to Charlie base, all survivors are instructed to head there, do you read?"
  24. They can't just 'bring' back Marty o donnell. He works for bungie. Not 343
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