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A Haunted Army

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Everything posted by A Haunted Army

  1. well thanks for the shinning review, care to elaborate?
  2. nice trolling. just so people aren't confused, darkling knows how much i hate tower maps so he's just saying this anoy me.
  3. ........... i never said there weren't exits.... i said there are no movement options in the area, as in there is nothing for you to use when you're in an area so your only option is to leave the area... and yea, please stop making **** maps like this one.
  4. fast gameplay doesn't mean trap people in areas of the map.... and when do you ever agree with me?
  5. i said movement options not paths, basically that means you fully commit to every area with no other option, you're paths down the sides are parallel to each other as well, they're accessed from the same location going in the same direction ending up at the same location, this makes the paths very redundant and movement very linear, extremely predictable and boring. the center structure lacks any options what to so ever, because its so enclosed all you can do while in there i just wait to die from a bombardment of grenades or try and run to the closest door and hope to get away.... you're lines of sight are awefull, they're so straight, there's no cross map lines of sight, no vertical lines of sight, no diagonal lines of sight... its all horizontal and straight, becuse your lines of sight are very one dimensional it lacks any sort of meta, this means that all your encounters are going to be the same, all the combat, strategies, decisions are going to be the same, nothing to learn and nothing to explore. add this a long with the lack of movement options creates a very frustrating bottle neck experience. but, i've told you all this before back when it was on ravine...
  6. hm................ .... . hm....... i wonder. lack of verticality, map structure and movement options with very straight lines of sight. that could be a problem.
  7. after messing around with spawns i've found that the problem isn't the spawns. its the map, the map lacks any vertical segmentation, the main segmentation in the map comes from the picnic table and purple bridges but those are more pathways then a vertical position, this causes a problem of lack of power positions in 4v4 removing gameplay structure creating a more chaotic experience. for 2v2s though everything works much smoother, the bridges act more as a power position and there are set-ups, counters, strategize and such, generally just works how the map was built.
  8. its already been through testing, i tested with the type of player that would find and exploit any flaw possible and accurately articulate the problems and why they're a problem. i've released it now to try and get more feedback to see where i may have gone wrong that has been missed so i can learn from it. so fare i've only gotten positive comments or people staying mute even when i push them to be as negative as possible. really starting to irritate me.
  9. The Park - Download Link The Park is a revisit of the last map i made in reach also called The Park, the whole map started from me noticing something interesting about the subtle height elevations terrain created and went from there, the main gameplay concept around the map was to have the ground floor, the terrain actually useful instead of just being a flanking path or drop out, the canopies came around from an old shopping mall i used to visit when i was a kid where they had them for cover from weather and because of an idea i had about blocking vertical lines of sight for jet pack without interrupting map movement and paths. i never really learned anything from that map because it was built at the end of reach and never could get tests on it. this time around i've managed to refine and learn from it and thanks to forge island build the aesthetical theme alot better. Player Count: 2v2 4v4 Gametypes: Slayer KOTH One Flag recommended Gametypes: Unity 2v2/4v4 KOTH & slayer Halo promod Weapons/Power-Ups: Frag grenades - 60sec Plasma grenades - 60sec Pulse grenades - 60sec Plasma pistol - 60secs Concussion rifle - 120secs Storm Rfile = 90secs Overshield - 90secs Credits: Chef Linguini CoIdFUSION Redemption1272 AgentPapercraft Overkill CE Weapon Layout: Callouts: Images: - Album(more images)
  10. The Park The Park is a 4v4 asymmertical map built on the island, there is good height elevations and lines of sight, no one position is to dominant and each set up is countered with team work, this is the secound true asymmetrical map that i've built and the first one i'm releasing. Pictures: Enjoy
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