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FC Quicksilver

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Everything posted by FC Quicksilver

  1. Hello there, Chances are you clicked this thread because you saw "forge". That's what we're all about. Forge Cafe was founded back in 2009 during Halo 3's reign of awesomeness, as a way for people to get maps tested, play custom games regularly, and meet new people and friendly faces. The group peaked around 3000 members, and business was booming. Somewhere along the way, people stopped playing Halo. Now, after moving off of B.net, temporarily taking shelter with the fine folks at Halotracker, then founding our own site, we are once again ready to make maps and drink coffee. Before I post the link to our site, I want to outline a few FAQs. Do I have to know how to forge? No, forging is not a requirement to join. You can still participate in our CGNs(custom game nights)even if you don't have maps to bring. What sort of maps does the Cafe make? That's the best part. We build and playtest anything and everything. Infection to Race to Invasion to Golf. Anything that can be built can be tested. If it can be dreamt, it can be done. example.The Black Gate or Are there any requirements or initiation procedures for joining? There is a group code of conduct, as well as site rules, but there are no initiation procedures or requirements to join our group. Is there a ranking structure? There is a system similar to Bungie's forum setup. Your "rank" displayed simply represents your level of involvement/dedication to the group. It does not give members authority over others, unless they are staff. Special ranks or titles can be obtained for special events. When providing feedback these sorts of things may cause your opinions to carry more weight than say, a novice forger. On a side note to anyone interested, if you are an active forger, we now host 4v4 Fridays for small scale maps, and the big games are held on Saturday. Here is a vid showcasing what we get to see every Saturday. Well as promised, here is a link to our new site (still receiving updates, but it is fully functional). Forge Cafe Here is a link to the forum rules, in case you're worried about these. Ze Rules And here is a link to ForgeCafe's youtube page. http://www.youtube.c...re=results_main That should be it, I hope to see some of you folks on the site!
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