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Everything posted by thejdracer99

  1. Gamertag: thejdracer99 Map Raveen Download link: http://www.halowaypo...etails=31053172 Gametype: Race Race on a steep cliff will you gather up tons of speed and try to handle the addrenalin.
  2. Link to MAP: http://halo.xbox.com...etails=30857049 Map name: Rocky Mt. SX Link to map:http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/haloreach/thejdracer99/fileshare#!/?section=MapVariants&MapId=&GameMode=0&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&tags=&startIndex=0&details=30857049 Recomended players: 12 Gametype: Race By: thejdracer99 Breif desription: a SX track raceing by a mountain on a awesome track with lots of speed and good jumps. Video Link:
  3. sorry i dont know how to do pictures
  4. sorry i dont know how to do pictures
  5. Gamertag: thejdracer99 Map: Red bull Stadium MX Link:http://halo.xbox.com...etails=29670045 Gametype: race Breif: a awesome Mx that takes place in and out of the hanger and with 1 big awesome turn with long sections of woops and 3 big spetakular jumps. Screenshot1.jpg
  6. GT: thejdracer99 Map: Angels SX Link:http://halo.xbox.com...etails=30704943 gametype: race Breif description:a race map in a small court that has both tarrain and non terrain Screenshot (1).jpg
  7. Cant wait for halo 4 aw yeah (Troll face)

  8. What is Halo? That's is a good question. You're Master Chief, top of all spartans in the UNSC (known as the United Nations Security Centre). Your job is to make peace in halo and stop the spread of the covenant, the covenent is why we are at war ,they threaten to destroy Earth so we knew we had to stop that from happening so we send a whole army of Spartans to make peace with them and oh my ,that went wrong instead of making it better we made the problem millions of times worse, so we had to go to war with them to keep them distracted and not be able to destroy Earth, and it work but for a while until they went to reach. To be Continued.......
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