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    Love gaming and writing, and creating games.

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  1. It looks very Halo 2ish in its construct, this looks awesome, I wish I had an Xbone
  2. Well Console players don't really understand the grinding that is MMO's, I never picked up Destiny, but from everything I've heard it's lackluster.
  3. What are you going on about, it's a glitch?
  4. Jesus how many of these games are there? I never heard of this one haha. Edit: I just looked this up and this game came out on the 11th, but Unity came out Nov. 20th, I heard rumors ubisoft was going down the drain and this just can't be feasible for them to pump these games out like nothing, I just looked and found that another Assassin's Creed has been announced for next year. I think that this is a serious question that needs to be brought up in the gaming community and that is: "Are games being pumped out too quickly?" Because to be honest game qualities are going down and I feel another Gaming collapse could happen soon.
  5. going to bookmark this to read at a later date.
  6. This isn't 343's official site, but I would be interested in seeing your work.
  7. Don't get me wrong I love Halo and the chief, but they're not going to get rid of him unless they have a good money incentive to do so, you can't forget that this game and universe is produced by a large company.
  8. They would never kill master chief, because of one reason only and that is he is a cashcow.
  9. I highly doubt you will ever get a true editor with a console game it just seems too complicated for a controller and it's not as simple as placing A.I. down and letting them go at it. If you take a look at the Editors provided for Halo CE and Halo 2 PC you will find that it's actually more robust then forge in many ways, but the learning curve to actually figure out how to use the editors are way harder than forge and that's because when developing single player missions and A.I. pathfinding and new custom areas essentially pretty much makes you a game Dev. It would be awesome if they released a robust editor, but I'm not sure it's feasible.
  10. They are both classics in my eyes, I had great memories with both, which Halo 4 brought nothing to the table for me at all.
  11. Navmesh is pathfinding in the Creation Kit so I sort of just used the term
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