I wanted to take the time now to say how I love ORIGINS! I have been working on a linear infection series of my own, and it is almost complete, It would realy work well as a counter-story to ORIGINS, and I also recall you saying in one of your recent vids that you would continiue ORIGINS in Halo 4.
My linear infection series is called Abandoned Hope, I will talk about it in full detail in the infection map send-ins. But If ORIGINS has a backstory, such as the survivours of the zombie outbreak, then I had this idea that while we wait for Halo 4, maybe half of the survivours were split up, half continuoued onto ORIGINS in halo 4, and half went on to the Abandoned Hope storyline in Halo Reach. Somewhere in the ORIGINS storyline, you find someone who is immune to the virus, and you take a blood sample, but the equipment you need is in the labratories where the outbreak started, you set out to the labs. In the end, both groups reunite in the labs, the ORIGINS group have the blood sample, and they make a vaccine. The earth is slowly restored, and so is humanity. The End.
Also, if you have the time, I beg of to make a quick ORIGINS 5, it makes it easier for me and for you if you agree with this idea. Basicaly, just make something that would make it seem like the groups split up, like two pathways that you choose from. Feel free to say no, if you have already got an idea for a starting map in Halo 4, dont worry about it, But I would really thank you if you would feature my maps, I really do think they are good and im not saying that because I made them. Also im not to sure, but it might be the first time THFE feature an entire map series. Anyway, I will explain in full detail in the map send-ins, I just wanted to tell you about the backstory idea, and to ask you a few things in case I might need to change the maps a bit.
yours sincerely, xXSABERxSCOUTXx