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Everything posted by Bobo

  1. i have played halo since halo 2. with halo 2 to halo 3 very few things changed like leading your shots and the equipment you pick up like weapons but it kept the same type of gameplay. halo 4 isnt even halo anymore. i dont know how they can begin to call it that. it should be renamed Call of Duty Space edition. you cant even say that every game needs to change from the previous one because NOTHING is the same besides the names of guns and vehicles. dont get me wrong, reach began the down fall of the series but halo 4 took it to a whole other level. the halo feel just isnt there. this ranking system is ridiculous and makes it very easy to get tired of. it is based on nothing other than how much you play. being good at the game doesnt even mean anything anymore. the classes add to this. you can have an advantage over the other players because of your class. you dont start out equal anymore. in the other halos you had a strategy to get the weapons on the map and set up so that you can get them when they respawn. not this one. they dont respawn. you get random ordinance which makes it so people do not have equal opportunity to get power weapons besides at the very beginning. this game also does not discourage leaving in the middle of a game. it gives their team a huge disadvantage. yes it does let other people join games in progress which is another dumb part of this game. it is hard to work with a team when it keeps changing teamates. it took all strategy out of the game. then the weapons like the bolt shot are extremely over powered. contrary to that the br has lost all of its power and the DMR is weapon of choice. the maps in this game are terrible too. they have helped change the type of gameplay. haven is about the only one i can stand. matchmaking has been ruined and i might as well buy Call of Duty if i want to play that type of gameplay. there needs to be drastic changes to the direction of this series before i ever buy another halo game. im tired of wasting money on atrocious sequels to my favorite games i have ever played
  2. Somebody else sees my point. Reach was absolutely the worst halo imaginable. It seems as the halo series progresses, it gets more and more like call of duty. I played halo Because it was different and for the challenge of ranking up to a 50 and playing against people around my rank and skill. It doesn't take skill anymore to rank up. For some reason it was thrown out in exchange for a ranking system that depended on how much you play. A level 20 in halo 3 could become the highest level in reach just because they have no life instead of being good at the game. Absolutely nothing should be taken from reach and put in halo 4. Now I hear you get coins or exp to buy guns and attachment!?! Are you kidding me. And to think I got so excited to hear it was taking after halo 3 but now I find out it's just a call of duty and reach mix. I hope this game isn't a bust like reach.
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