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Posts posted by Robius5991

  1. I'm pretty sure that's the most nice thing anyone has ever said to me. I may cry.


    You deserve every word of it! Spectacular work! I'm probably going to have a lobby with me tonight for testing a few of my maps. Once I'm done that, I might give yours a go if I still have time. Anyways, I'm glad you appreciated my comment dude. I really like your map! :) Also, I didn't notice if you mentioned it was for Hub of the dead earlier (sorry if you did mention it) but I was so absorbed by the pictures that I kind of forget the text - so my bad.)


    Added Information: Alright, I just finished testing this with a lobby of 14 players. First of all, everyone had a great time. We had laughs, screams and nearly-crap yourself moments. My highlight would have to be my overkill with the Rocket Hog... but what can I say? Anyways, none of us are Linear pros... so sadly we did not make it to the train (although that area did open, we just got slaughtered). Overall, I find this map was very enjoyable and rather challenging for both sides, depending on how the teams align themselves.

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  2. I really like how you built the map. It seems like there is some good playing space that could lead to some interesting combat. My only question would be; can players get on the room of the structures with jetpacks, or are these out of bound? Anyways, really cool map. Your attention to aesthetics aswell as your strategic placement make for a very nice map.

  3. SweepsP2K, I am border-line speechless. What an amazingly beautiful map. You have really outdone yourself. I'm not sure if you posted this on ForgeHub, since I haven't been on for a while, but you've totally got to submit this to the "Hub of the Dead" contest they have running. So... we're do I begin? Picture #1 (Great destroyed-city aspect - those cars are sweet!), Picture #4 (Well done with the sub-terrainian tunnel, cool water effect choice) Picture #7 (God If love that sewer cap along with the nice street setting!), Picture #8 (Sick freakin Basketball-court, god that's creative!) and Picture #9 (Absolutely gorgeous idea for the train, it looks so authentic.)


    You've more than deserved my download. What a spectacular map. I can't judge on how it would play, simply from the pictures, but I'm going to download it and probably get back to you. Great job dude, this looks like one of the best linear maps I've seen. Congratz!

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  4. I'm a xbox fan, far more than I'm a PC fan, but I can understand how Halo would be appreciated on PC. I kind-of understand that Microsoft wants to keep it all within Xbox, but since they could easily make it into PC games, I'm actually surprised they haven't already. Anyways, I hope you're right Twinreaper, because I know quite a few people who would love to play Halo on PC.

  5. Man, that map looks sweet. I don't really have any critique for this as it's really good. The only thing that seems weird to me though is the final Bunker, where the hill is really steep on the right side. I'm guessing that this is intentional, but won't the concussion rifle make it hard to reach the goal if they're being pushed to the right? Other than that, great concept and great map!


    Thanks Ventus, I'm glad you like it. As for your thoughts on the final Bunker, I agree that originally I thought it might be a small problem, however following testing I learned the contrary. The Elites have a decent amount of cover and, if they either group themselves together (making it hard to be pushed far back) or spread themselves thin (to spread the Spartan fire out and make them less potent) they can usually capture the final post. The hardest phase, without a question is the second one, lol. Anyways, thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you like the map concept!

  6. Very cool idea Glory of a Far Dawn. I'll put my name in for competition's sake. I would like it because I am a big Halo fan, but I would probably end up giving it to my friend as a gift. Anyways, if this is a contest where you choose the person because of their reasons to enter, please give it someone else than me. I can see that it would really mean a lot more to some of the other applicants above me if they got it. If this is not the case, heck, a lottery is always fun. Btw, I'm male!

  7. Brilliantly idea good sir. That would be a very useful feature for Machinimas, specific themed forge maps and would add yet another aspect to the game to keep players interested. I'm not aware whether you're the first to come up with this, but if you are, congratulations on such an amazing idea. It sure seems to have paid off in likes, all of which you deserve!

  8. I cannot wait for this game. It looks absolutely incredible! This is my pick for the upcoming game of the year! I'm getting this the day it comes out and I shall not stop until all achievements have been gathered. Assassin's Creed is my favourite video game series out there (Sorry Halo, but you're a close second) - the violent and incredible combat, mixed with my love of history makes for a perfect game. This trailer has done what I thought impossible at this point - make me more excited for the game! I hope I'll see some of you guys out on the multiplayer eventually! Nothing is true... Everything is permitted...

  9. Sounds like an interesting concept. I'm not certain whether this would could for a Mini-game or Infection, but either way it seems pretty cool. I understand that the map is dark, but if you could add some pictures so we could understand it a little more, that would be awesome. Anyways, your idea seems pretty unqiue (as I haven't heard of any such game before) and I could imagine it being great (with the correct amount of players. Great job!

  10. Did you get disconnected from live while playing a game? If you did then its a hack that live have only just started to investigate. I had to report it direct to Microsoft as both the new game owners(this site) and live would not admit it was real.


    I think I heard someone online talking about this once. He may have been mentioning a slightly different case, but it kind of sound similar to what you're saying. Is this becoming widescpread (if this is really thr same hack?)

  11. it's hard to tell where to turn but you have a better chance to have a 343 employee to read it in the official forum than here, more than that i can't help


    here is the official site BTW http://halo.xbox.com/en-US/


    Yeah, I'm sorry dude, but I'm not quite certain what the format is. Usually, authors will have their agents bring scripts to companies (only after having been hired to write about their content - since in cases like this it is copyright). It's possible 343i has a site link where they'll take such ideas into consideration. I can't say for sure how their system works, but I'm pretty certain they hire authors who have porven themselves in the science-fiction genre and are willing to write within the rules 343 would set for them. If this is the case, I'm really sorry for you - if it makes it any better, I went through the same thing with Star Wars when I was younger. I made a cool story, but there was never a way to get them to look at it.

    Anyways, I hope this was somewhat useful and I hope your attempt goes better than mine!

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  12. Man, I'm really excited for this game. I can't wait to play through what seems to be a very promising campaign, and then go wreck at Spartan Ops, which really seems like a "home-run" idea. Then, I dunno... maybe I'll play flood, or make awesome loadouts, or ride a mantis, or customize my Spartan, or go play Ragnarok, or go get some Flagassassinations (caus they're cooler than the oddball ones), or go all promethean vision on everyone, or get some kills with my BR (Finally) or Thrusterpack myself right towards the enemy team with a Grav hammer, or even dominate the score board with the SAW......... Dang, there's just too much to do once we get Halo 4. :)

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  13. No, I'm rather certain adding Plasma Grenades to your loadout will not make things cheap. Simply the fact that we can make our own loadouts means that we will have the ability to make a class better suited to deflecting enemies who harness sed grenades. For a example, a DMR or BR is far more useful that a Plasma grenade at a distance, while the same can be said for a Shotgun at close range. Anyways, what I'm really saying is that I'm rather certain 343 has seen too it that plasma grenades will not cause any unbalancing aspects in the game.

  14. Looks like a great race map. You set it up in a pretty cool location and you seem to have it made nice and smooth. From the outter picture, I couldn't see any problems that could affect gameplay. Very cool map dude, keep up the awesome work.

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