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Posts posted by Robius5991

  1. Very cool map layout. You seem to have well set your aesthetics (from what I can see). The 2nd picture would have to be my favourite, I've never seen the tunnel on Paradiso made that way. Very original stype, it comes off extremly authentic for the whole zombie/everything starting to break down - theme. As for your bunker structures in the first pictures, I really like them. I was a little worried about the bareness of the terrain, but your mention of flanking teleporters makes me think that the map should play just fine! Keep up the wonderful work!

  2. Yeah, I'm sorry (if I sound preachy) Lord Satin, but until we can put ourselves in their shoes, judging over 100 submissions on Gameplay - Looks - Creativity, we shouldn't make rude comments about the THFE staff. This implies quite a bit of reviewing for each individual map, not to mention going through the versions that do not work with the gametype. I'm glad to see that they're taking their time to review everything, because we need to consider that the longer it takes them, the more-informed their final decision wil be. The Psycho Duck could not have said it better, patience is a virtue! I for one am also entered in the contest, and am very excited to hear the results - so I understand your anxiety (to a certain degree) but we must give them the time they require to make this decision. Anyways, that's my two cents on the situation.


    If you're really interested in seeing some of the maps that were entered, you can easily download some of them by typing in [PB THFE Contest] on the "New Custom Searchs" on Reach, because it will really give you all an idea of the enormity of their undertaking. If looking through all of those submissions does not interest you, I know Choot 'em has his posted somewhere (I won't put a link here without his permission) and I posted mine in the Mini-game section. If you're interested in seeing it here's a link: [PB] Assassin's Creed


    So, I wish you all luck in the contest and I'm very excited to hear the final verdict!

    • Like 3
  3. Why is there only like 2 invasion maps. :( I want more invasion on here people. Maybe I'll have to whip out the forge. But nonetheless coming in here to be disappointed was masked by seeing this map again. I still have yet to play it. Not sure why but regardless I will. I know it ;)


    I totally agree, it's too bad that there haven't been more maps shared in this part of the forum. I'm so happy you really like the map CooliestRap! Feel free to come back here once you've finished your testing and tell me what you thought of the gameplay experience!

  4. I think it's fair because:

    • It only lasts 3 seconds, obviously takes time to recharge
    • It makes you focus on one objective, meaning one enemy. If there is another one coming behind you, all your focus is on the enemy you identified in front of you, leaving your priorities uneven.
    • Numerous ways to counter it

    It's theoretically just an advanced radar; while definitely beneficial, there are other abilities that are just as useful.


    Perfectly explained. I am in total agreement with Humpstyles, I think for the reasons he's justified, it is a completely legitement ability.

    • Like 1
  5. Mine was in a BTB game on Boneyard. A friend and i were screwing around with the other team and we ended up getting the banshee. My friend was spotting me from above and told me to keep flying close to the enemy tank, not to kill it but to trick it into killing his own guys. So i would fly low and when my friend said flip, caus I couldn't see the tank well, i flipped. It took us about 20 tries, and I lost my first banshee, but finally, I lined myself up with an enemy warthog coming towards me. My friend said flip, so I did, and the enemy tank fired, getting a triple-betrayal on his teammates in the warthog. He got booted and my friend took the tank. We ended up winning by a landslide. I guess the other team musent have been good though lol.


    Lol Pete, that sounds pretty funny. A friend tried to get me to help him with a similar strategy once, but it never worked for us... Congratz on your evil methods lol. Anyways, thanks for sharing your moment!

  6. As far as I'm aware, there is no Canon answer as of yet, towards Jun's location. However, if I would venture a guess, I would assume he was KIA (for Spartans - MIA) since some other members pointed out to me that he was escorting Halsey and, following a passing of time, he just dissappears. I would love to see him make a cool comeback, perhaps in Spartan Ops - or something of the type, but I see it as rather unlikely.

  7. I think this could be awesome if a spaceship map was made with a hangar which had low gravity c: I know I'm kind of thinking small at the moment, but we haven't seen the full capabilities of this yet and until we do I won't be able to go too far with ideas lol


    Exactly my idea! That would be so cool - just like Star Wars Battlefront 2!

  8. Welcome to the forums dude, I hope you enjoy your stay. If ever you're looking for players to run Halo 3 with, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to find some interested people on the various topic threads. Nice to have you join us here on 343iCF!

  9. Looks like a rather simple, albeit interesting map design. I like the column structure and the way you set up the map. Also, I have to agree with Spectral Jester that this is such a cool way to plan maps out. So professional! Anyways, really cool idea. It kind of reminds me of the library in Halo CE. Can't wait to see the finished product, keep up the great work!

    • Like 1
  10. Hmmm, I am a fan of Norse mythology and also noticed this right away. It's had me thinking a lot. I've been wondering if this is simply a name-change for the sake of the game, or if it has further meaning. Perhaps they will elaborate a story for the matchmaking even further. Maybe it even means something along the lines of Valhalla (Halo 3) was heaven [or easy] compared to Ragnarok (Halo 4) the end of the world [much harder]. Who knows, I may be reading into this way too much, but I'd love to hear others opinions on what this could mean.

  11. Hey man, thanks, any feedback is appreciated. While I know that the cover would normally be an issue in allowing the infected to move around the map without being shot, and I agree that (especially in the final area) I may need to add some central cover, this is mostly balanced out by the sheer number of zombie portals, with three entering the last room alone. I do really appreciate the feedback and will have to get around to testing the cover issue. Thanks.


    Cool, I wasn't aware about the portals. If you think it works well that way, I totally believe you. Congratz on making a really cool map!

    • Like 1
  12. Hey 343iCF, so I thought I would start another topic thread to ask you all an important question. What was your best game on Halo: Reach? With Halo 4 rapidly approaching, I thought this would be a perfect moment to reminesce of you greatest moment in Reach. Was it a total win? Did you completely fail? Was it a "WTF just happened?" moment? I though it would just be pretty cool to see what you all have to say. Did this moment happen in a custom game? firefight? matchmaking? campaign? forge? - Please specify so that we understand the background of your "moment". If you have more than 1, feel free to mention them both... or more!

    Anyways, I'll quickly get to my "moment". Although I've played Reach pretty much since it came out, I stopped playing for a while and sadly, have partially forgotten certain moments. If they come to me later, I'll add them to the thread, but here is the moment that took place today, which inspired me to make this thread.


    My Amazing moment (Robius5991):

    I was in an invasion lobby with three other friends on Matchmaking. We got the map "Broadcast" and, as we were about to begin, we lost two of our teammates (quitters). Quickly discussing between ourselves, we prepared a plan. Although we were outnumbered, with great team-work and perserverance, we managed to capture the first phase with still a minute to spare against tough odds. I then ran back to our spawn and picked up the Revenant, however, before I could reach the station, my friends had already taken the next objective (within less than a minute). The enemy team scrambled to gather itself, and we were still 6 v 4 in their favour. I drove my Revenant up and while our Banshee covered us, I picked up a teammate who just recovered the core, got him to jump on my vehicle, and we scored. Although we were outnumbered, we won our attacking round within, what I assume, was less than 4-5 minutes. -- The next round began and, although we fought valiantly, we found that we were overtaken and forced to fall back (although we held them off for a while). The enemy team, still with its advantage in numbers, pushed forwards to take the next post. Yet again, our teamwork prevailed and with some well-placed rockets and strategic DMR usage, we intimidated two of our adversaries to quit and then won the round by halting them before they could capture a second-phase-objective. ----- I know that this may not sound like the most impressive thing, but for us it was amazing. I hope to have that gameplay up on youtube soon so you may all see how awesome the game was.



    So, that was one of my greatest Halo: Reach moments. What are yours? -- Help us celebrate the end of Reach with the story-telling of our achievements (no not those with gamerscore...)

    • Like 1
  13. I would never be able to do any of the things he is doing in this video. If I did it would be out of pure luck. That was amazing and I hope that no one else knows how to do this that well or else I'm in trouble with Halo 4. lol.


    Yep... I would have to agree CooliestRap, lol. Players like that could be a menace.

  14. 1. Shotgun (All halo games - although I like the design in Reach)

    2. DMR (People can hate... but I like the single shot rifle)

    3. BR (Never goes out of style)

    4. Sniper Rifle (Halo: Reach only - Wreck them vehicles!)

    5. Plasma Launcher (How awesome is it when they follow a vehicle completely across a map - stick - and you get the kill!)

  15. I'm going to say Spartan Ops, because it's new and fresh. But to be honest, I kind of would have liked Firefight to remain. It seems to me that Spartan Ops is, in a way, the opposite of Firefight. Instead of a small defence force holding off a large group of invaders, it's a small attack force charging a large group of defenders. If that makes any sense... Anyways, it's too bad we're losing Firefight, but Spartan Ops has a LOT of potential!

  16. Yeah... I'm also not sure if this has been metioned, but how about some floatable pieces. Those would allow for some interesting mini-game creations. Also, moving objects would be really cool -> you could pre-set a trajectory and implement a time for when each piece moves (probably too complicate to do, but it sounds cool). Anyways, sorry I can't suggest more, lol, all the good ideas have already been brought up by a large array of like-minded players. Lol!

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