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Posts posted by Robius5991

  1. Washington seems like one of the only founding fathers who isn't a templar. Maybe they are using him to gain power, but he becomes president unaccording to plan. And this could be seen through the big shift from Washington to Adams.


    Hmm, very interesting theory. That could be a cool twist within the game. Ubisoft has stated that they are showing history from another perspective in this game, and since Washington has never been portrayed as one who could be maniuplated easily, it might be possible. Although, personnaly, I think the whole Freemason/Templar thing is going to go even deeper then this. I can't wait to see how they implement the connection between the two secret and ancient orders!


    Hey, whether it is a game / movie / novel where the term "history" has quite the major involvement, you're bound to see me appear in the thread. ;)


    Good to hear Chewin! We seem to be like-minded. Can't wait to see you in any future history threads! (future history threads... sound a little like an oxy-moron)


    kinda wish i could get this game but idk if its gona be really good or anything. but im sure it will be


    I can't guarantee anything... but I would highly suggest you check out this channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/assassinscreeduk

    This vide variety of videos on the game should give you a nice perspective on what to expect from the game!

  2. Congratulations on making it to Trusted Members can't wait to see more topics from you :D


    Thanks man. I've seen you around my topics a lot, thanks for commenting and checking them out!


    Congrats, Robius! ^_^ Great maps too, hope you make many more c:


    Thanks man, I have 1-3 potential projects left for Reach, but then I will stop until Halo 4... you can expect to see some more stuff from me then!

  3. Very cool map! Your fortress looks pretty amazing. The name fits well with the map and the layout seems strategic enough. Cool idea with the man-cannons dude. Overall, I really like your map idea!

    • Like 1
  4. The map looks really cool dude. I saw that you asked for some feedback so, from what I could see, I would suggest to add a little cover between the others. I'm sorry that I can't suggest anything in particular, but I could see this as being a potential problem in the gametype. Does it just work with regular infection (since then it wouldn't be as bad because the evade would allow for faster travel) - but if it is based around a type of Alpha zombies, the fact that they sprint would make them very vulnerable in the open environment that the pictures show. Other than that, its the only suggestion I can make - and I apologise if what I'm saying isn't the case (I can only judge from what I see in the pictures) - anyways, great job with the map, it looks really cool!

    • Like 1
  5. Congrats Robius, and great looking maps you've made! I really like the look of Minas Tirith.


    Thanks dude, I'm glad you like the map! Feel free to check out the whole post if you're interested!


    Good job and very interesting way of making a Trusted member thread!

    As you know, I love that assassins creed map!


    Thanks Azaxx, I really appreciate it! And yeah, I tried to go kind of original with the style I made my thread with. TY again for your support with my Purple Bunker map!


    Congratulations on Trusted Robius! On behalf of all of 343iCF, we thank you for sharing your maps and enjoying the community.

    Look forward to more!! :thumbsup:


    Thanks Choot 'em, I really appreciate your kindness and support for my projects. I just love sharing them with an awesome community like this one! I may not bring many more Reach maps... but you'll definetly see me with Halo 4.


    Grats dude and nice maps i like them


    TY dude, and thanks for the compliments, glad you liked my maps.


    Congratulations on you achieving 'Trusted Member', Rob! Hope to see you post more!

    And I have to say, you seem to have a talent for making Forge maps. At least in comparions to me! ;)


    Thanks Chewin, I'm happy to see that you like my forge projects! I plan on continuing my post for as long as I can!


    Those are some awesome maps, i especially like the Dawnguard one :)

    Congrats on trusted! :)


    Thanks iTZ Vplus2, I'm happy you like the Dawnguard map. I was rather complex to build, but I think I did a decent job of recreating it as accurately as possible!


    Very cool I remember when you first started out on this site. You've had some awesome posts. This one counts as one of them. :) I love the way Dawnguard looks. :) keep it up man.


    Thanks man, I've noticed you've been on most of the same posts as me. I'm happy to see you've enjoyed my work lol! I'll do my best to keep my content as good or even better than it has been!

    • Like 1
  6. Hey guys, I just thought I'd come here, like I've seen quite a few others do, to announce that I've reached a milestone within the forum community. Last night, I got my 200th post and reach the status of "Trusted member". I know it's not really as impressive as other milestones reached recently by some fellow players (Chease Monster - Ryu) but still, I really just wanted to thank all of you who've help me reach my 200! Thank you 343iCF for being just so welcoming and enjoyable, I love sharing conversations with you in the shoutbox when I can, and following up with conversations and debates within various threads. I've checked out some of the other Halo forums and I must say that personnaly, this is one of my favourites! I would have to say though, that my favourite thing to do here on the forums would have to be sharing the maps I've completed in Halo: Reach. Although I have made quite a few, I've only seen fit to share with you all what I consider to be my best. So, if Forge Maps interest you, please check these out - they've been the pinnacle of my ascension to the rank of "Trusted member". Please leave me comments on the maps to give me your opinion and any feedback you can offer - all members are welcome, the more feedback, the more I learn! Thank you 343iCF here is my Halo: Reach Forge maps Portfolio:


    Infection Maps:


    "Skryim: Fort Dawnguard"






    Invasion Map:


    "LOTR: Minas Tirith"



    Mini-Game Maps:


    "[PB] Assassin's Creed"



    "Into the Sarlacc"


    • Like 5
  7. Wow, that's a pretty cool assembly of multiple structures. My favourites would have to be the dumpsters, the Firetruck and the barricades (mainly because I see myself possibly using them in a project - although i'm not 100% sure). Still, very cool showcase of creations dude. Keep up the good work!

    • Like 2
  8. I have it and i use it because it's awesome: And to honor Bungie. Burn bright, burn blue.


    Same here dude. Yeah, from what I understand the blue flaming helmet is no longer available, so I'm sorry to anybody who didn't get it. But do not fear, Halo 4 is just around the corner and they're bound to make some kind of new Armour Effect, so I hope you all get the chance to get it next time.

  9. Lol this is a Halo forum, no kidding the poll's gonna be 100% for Halo 4. I tip my hat to CoD for finally trying to mix things up although (and this is just my personnal opinion) I think they really didn't hit the mark with this idea. Just seems to come off as the Terminator, Halo and Call of Duty's love child.... not sure how that works...

    • Like 1
  10. Very cool map dude. I like the concept of it a lot (it's not the most original idea since there's been a few prison maps before, but I like your twist on it). I'm sorry if I don't totally understand, but is there something stoping the players from going into Hemmorhage or even to the Hangar or Asylum? I asked out of curiousity and I apologise if I missed you explaining it somewhere. Anyways, other than that, I really like how you did your map presentation. Consise and right to the point, cool job! PS: The video you guys did for the map presentation was well done!

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