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Posts posted by Robius5991

  1. I can already see people making mech battle maps with different types of terrain on them.


    You're totally right. I can see a lot of potential for a wide variety of Custom Games / Mini-games. This could end up being a very cool and original addition to the Halo 4 experience overall. Is it official confirmed to be in Forge/Custom games though? Or is it still unknown?

  2. Alright, so I have a small idea for a Spartan Ops mission - but I don't know all the proper names for enemy units and such, so bear with me, as certain aspects of this may be vague.


    -A team of Spartans (either 4 or 2) heads towards a Promethean station. The main objective of the mission is to destroy a sensor's array which would easily warn their enemies of their impending reinforcement's arrival. Primarily, the spartans would reach a drop site for some weapons. There would be 1 Sniper Rifle, 2 Shotguns and a Spartan Laser. The idea would be that certain Promethean units would have a higher view towards a somewhat valley-like location, from which the Spartans are coming from. The first objective would be stealth based, forcing one player to plant a low-range jamming device as close to the base as possible. Once this is finished, it would be the Sniper's job to cause some distraction to allow the other Spartans to get close enough without being wiped out, since there wouldn't be much cover up the valley. Once at the top, the second objective would be to blow a gate into the facility. This could be done with a bomb that they could pick up from the weapon drop zone. Once this would be done, the next objective would be to breach the facility itself and plant a bomb into the Sensor's array. After battling through a few waves of enemies, they would reach their objective and plant the bomb. With the explosive primed, they would have to get away as quick as possible before the entire structure exploded. To end the mission, they would get picked up by one of the Pelicans, thus joining the rest of the attack force they protected by destroyed the Sensor's array.

  3. I'm pretty excited as are many fans of Assassin's Creed, but the whole "tech" thing kinda worries me. I'm kinda a old fashion assassin, I prefer blades, throwing knives, poison blades and darts, and at the very most technological, the wrist gun. I don't like the axe and I think there is a pistol you get and the new uniform. (I'm sure it's customizable though).


    I like the old signature assassin styles. :shuriken:


    I know what you mean Vinyl. When you think of "Assassin" in the more historical perspective (especially after playing the game) you think of a man with some kind of blade - stabbing his target and trying to get away. Although I will miss the simplicity of this combat (and the general worry-free-ness of knowing guns have yet to be invited - or perfected) I think it's very cool to see Ubisoft bringing players into a slightly more modern setting. As for the tomahawk, I really like it. Like the hidden blade represented Altair's ability to blend within crowds with ease - and Ezio's wrist-pistol being a symbol of a period of technological rebirth (the renaissance) - I find the tomohawk represent's Connor's culture and heritage, while the new set of pistols reminds us of the leaps in military technology taken within the period that seperates AC3 and AC Revelations. Anyways, thanks for sharing your opinion Vinyl!

  4. Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy yourself. I'm sure if you take a look around you'll find some topic threads to discuss all of the things you enjoy, and if not, feel free to start your own thread. You'll soon find that this is a very kind and welcoming community forum!

  5. Well I'm looking forward for this game very much! Though what I'm most of all interested about is the continuity of the Assassins vs. Templar war.


    AC was doing something interesting with its whole concept of assassins vs templars, where templars want complete dominance so they can chose the right path for the rest of humanity and assassins who advocate that it's up to each and one of us to take responsibility for our own lives and to make a heaven on earth requires everyone to pitch in and help. This is what I want to see more of.


    I totally agree. From what I've heard, Ubisoft intends of relating the Templar order to the Freemasons in a certain manner, since George Washington was a Freemason. This could lead to even further ideological conflicts since Washington seems to be portrayed as Connor's ally. I really am excited to see how they use the Assassin's perspective within this new setting, especially in Connor's case, since he represents a minority (Mohawk) within a war fought between the British and American colonists. Anyways, I really hope they follow up more with the theme that seems to have dimmed a little bit in some of the last few games.


    I'm very excited over AC3 and what it will bring to the table, mostly concerning the variety of new characters, the execution of the American Revolutionary War, and the continuity of Desmond's storyline.


    Truth be told, the main focus of the AC series is not really the ideological divide between the Assassins and Templars, especially no after AC1. Instead, the way I see it, he focus lies primarily on the characters, how they grow and how their perceptions develop throughout the game(s).


    That said, there are points where AC shines, though sadly it's not at the forefront like it should be. In AC1, all the Templars you assassinate represent something, ranging from lust to power, to a desire to establish order, to a feeling of rejection by an intolerant society (e.g. the homosexual templar). Altair's codices and philosophical reflections in AC2 were pretty deep as far as a video games go.


    And the Assassin vs Templar conflict, while binary, is being fought over several ideas and issues, both philosophical and practical. And the cool thing about it is that the Assassins and Templars start with the same premise: "Nothing is true, everything is permitted". Both are nihilistic, but both have very different conceptions of what ought to be.


    Now sadly the Templars in AC2 and Brotherhood (the Borgias) are portraid horribly. Only AC1 and Revelations touched on that conflict pretty well relatively speaking. But to reiterate, I still see the focus of AC on its characters and their journey, with the ideological conflict being the BG.


    Hey Chewin, nice to see you on another historical thread! I'm also very excited to see this new setting in action and find out what happens to Desmond next, the ending of Assassin's Creed: Revelations was such a cliffhanger. I also understand what you mean about the Templars in AC2 and AC Brotherhood, being portrayed a little differently from the original templars, but I have high hopes for the Colonial and British Templars. Overall, this should be a pretty amazing game from what I've seen.


    Well said, and I totally agree with this!


    AC manages to tell some believable stories in the universe, but it does shine thanks to its rooster of characters. I mean, when I played Revelations for the first time, and got to say goodbye to Ezio and Altair, I was really heartbroken. Heck, I think I shed crocodile tears when


    Ezio met Altair for the very first time, and said "Rest in peace, Altair Ibn Lahad"



    That was very emotional, and could only have that sort of impact due to its characterizations.


    Liana, I must concure! The stories of the Assassin's Creed series seem to be some of the best I've ever seen in a video game. Ubisoft really knows how to make you attached to their characters. I can only hope to grow such a bond with the "Connor" character as we all did with Ezio throughout his entire lifetime, and Altair (mainly thanks to AC Revelations). I'll admit, another reason I kind-of connected with Ezio was because I also spoke italian, so I'll have to see how believable Connor's personna is within the context of the revolution. But still, I'm very excited!

  6. Another awesome map and you put a lot of effort in this topic I like it :)


    Thanks dude, I really like that you enjoyed another one of my maps. Also, thank you for the comment about my topic posts, I always try to fill in the other forum users with all the background information I can about my maps. :)

  7. Very impressive work, Rob! Really like those small Easter Eggs / references.


    Thanks Chewin3, I'm really happy you liked my map. I thought any Assassin's Creed fan would appreciate the little Easter Eggs!


    Wow... such nice craftsmanship. I like it and will download it immediately when I get the chance. It looks very much like Assassin's creed.


    I'd love to see more of these. I hope you make more. :D


    TYVM Vinyl, I really did try to keep the true Assassin's Creed aspect to the map, while still implementing the Purple Bunker functions to it. Tell me what you think once you've finished testing it :)


    Simply EPIC!


    Lol, Thanks again Erco 'Zjadee for checking out another of my maps. I'm so happy you like it!


    wow what a map you can tell you put alot of hard work into this because of the way it looks and how much pics you have showing every part of the map and you talked alot befor it telling ppl about the map and how it works 10/10 from me


    Yeah CJAY-4415, it took quite a while to build but I'm very proud of the final product. I also tend to overwrite when I explain my maps, but I really do like to share the backstory behind everything. Thanks so much for the 10/10 rating!

  8. By the Gods! That's some advanced forging right there nice work! :D


    Lol, thanks. It actually wasn't too hard to build, but I'm glad you like it! Give it a download if it interests you so that you can test the core gameplay aspects out and see how chaotically fun it can be.

  9. I've seen a few other maps built here, but I have to say that this fits into one of my favourites. I'm no Competitive expert, but I like the aesthetics and the layout seems to be rather well spread out. Good job!

  10. The fall damage on Halo 3 barely even counts as fall damage. You had to fall from a very long ways to even get damaged, let alone have it kill you. And that was more from the speed you were going than the actual fall itself. .-.


    yep, the director's right. I didn't quite remember so I just went to check it out on Halo 3.

  11. I am not an American... so I guess my vote really doesn't count... but wouldn't you all say that this has been one of the dirtiest campaigns in a while. There's been a lot of hate and mudsligging going around and to be honest, I really don't find it too professional... I just hope that the U.S will be able to solves its problems soon, because the world is beginning to look unstable enough as it is.

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