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Posts posted by Robius5991

  1. I do hope they make it a bit more appealing. In Brotherhood and Revelations I got bored of it really quickly. Maybe have a mode in a bigger map where there are guards and people actually there.


    Hmmm. that's interesting. Having the A.I do more could totally change things up, which would be interesting within certain gametypes, but not all. As for the map size, I actually think they're pretty good, but if they intend on adding more players withing eah individual map, then yeah I would think it better to enlarge the map. I'd also be happy if they re-vamped or re-made certain perks and abilities within th multiplayer!

  2. I agree with Snake1323. If you plan on making the map for FFA, your weapon count is more than acceptable, however, most 2v2 maps feature only 2 or rarely 3 power weapons from what I've seen, but to be honest I'm not a Competitive Map expert. I like the idea behind this map and from the screenshots I can say that you've built a pretty nice backdrop for your battlefield. I have troubled discerning the overall size of the map, since it is partially within a caved building (which looks very good), so I can't totally judge it on the combat spread. So, I'll finish up by saying that your aesthetics within the cave/building were my favourite, you built a very good A.I console with the screen and it looks like a very nicely built map, although it differs from the traditional 2v2 map style. Keep up the awesome forging!

  3. Wow dude, very cool map. Originally, when you said the base was "around a volcanic pool" I was worried that you only meant the kill balls, since these alone really didn't fit the topic you were describing, but when I saw the lava-filled area where the Rocket Launcher spawns I was like "Yes! Now this is cool!". Overall I like the layout of your map. With the majority of your structures in an outter ring, you seem to encourage partial hiding while players fight, however, the Sniper Rifle's location offers a good Risk vs. Reward scenario, thus inticing players to risk the trip into what I assume will be a Warthog dominate area. Out of personnal curiousity, where does the Spartan Laser spawn? Generally speaking, I really like your map, the attention to detail was good and I liked how you implemented the fact that you cannot stay too close to the lava for long (both realistic and anti-camping) a good combination. Anyways, my other question was, why do you think this is better for Team Slayer instead of BTB? Looking at the overview picture I would say that Squad Slayer and BTB would be better as to encourage more fighting, since the map is so big, but that's just my opinion. Keep up the good work, this was a great map!

  4. I enjoy the concussion rifle a lot in matchmaking. Like others have said, it is a great crowd control weapon, but it is also fun to use for "concussion jumping". Nothing beats seeing a player flying across a section of a map, or reaching a hiding spot with the concussion rifle, but that's just my opinion on it.

  5. Lol. *add* haha.


    Anyways. Makes me wonder what kind of cool features people would want out of a new system as far as gaming goes. (beside Graphics and lag yada yada) I feel like there is not much they can add.


    Lol dude... I had no idea I failed so much lolz. I pressed the "s" key instead of "d", but its corrected now, so we're all good. Lol!

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  6. I skipped straight to Xbox and i can't say i like what i heard about the 720. I'm a gamer, i want to play games, not have more features for movies and all those extras.


    Yeah.... we'll have to see. The finished product has yet to be announced, so I hope they still add a few more game-related changes.

  7. I'm sure with these Specializations we're getting involving perks for driving and using turrets, vehicles will be more frequently available on these unknown maps.


    I agree. We'll have to wait to see if you're right, but it would seem that this is a valid argument for bringing vehicles back in slayer.

  8. Most of them that I've seen have me really excited. For some reason, however, the only one I really didn't like was the Sword assassination. For some reason it just really didn't impress me. Perhaps it was just the footage I saw that didn't happen to be great, but I really do hope there is more than 1 type of Sword assassination. Anyways, other than that, I'm really glad they kept the Assassinations in Halo 4, I was originally worried they were going to scrap it because the animated kills were not a part of the original Halo recipe.

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