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Posts posted by Robius5991

  1. I'm not sure if it will be included within the actually game or not... but I would love a Forge DLC. How could would it be to buy a DLC that would add, lets say, a Covenant-counter part to all the items in Forge. Perhaps they could have "Flood-style" buildings with bio-matter all over the walls. Also, on the same note, wouldn't it be cool to have additional maps for varied Forge environement. Imagine how cool it would be to have maps like 'Desert" - "Snowy Mountain-top" - "Ocean - [with large waves optional]" - "Volcanic" and more. I don't know about you other Forgerss, but this would be a MASSIVE highlight for me!

    • Like 1
  2. Dude, that looks so cool. I love how you've built it high enough to remove most of the "natural" bumps, but kept it low enough to include the top of the Paradiso mountain along with some trees. You did a wonderful job with the "Tin Cups" to fake the green grass in certain areas and I love the height variations throughout the map. Also, you made a wonderful choice for camera placement - great view of the map overall!

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  3. Oh, yes. Ryu took that one over. Along with SternuS. Only because hardly anyone posts in it anymore. :cry:




    Yeah, it was pretty funny. I just hit 100 posts and was very proud of it. Only, I just need to ask, how long until we can choose our own title (like instead of "Drone Ultra" -> like how you have "Shadow Cat". I know this isn't the correct place to ask this, but I figured since you're now such a veteraned player (and you obviously know since you've done it yourself) if you could please educate me in the matter. Thanks Ryu!

  4. I'm a little busy at the moment, but if I have time before Halo 4 comes out, we can maybe co-op an infection map. I haven't really made many infection maps (and am currently working on one for a ForgeHub contest) but I'll give you a small portfolio of what I've done for infection maps:


    -Skyrim: Fort Dawnguard (Free Roam - Holdout Survival Infection)

    -Tanker (Holdout - Survival Infection)

    -[currently under production] (Linear - Survival Infection]

  5. Umm.... ok then lol. I'm kind of sad that no one has posted any maps here yet. If I have time, as friend and I were discussing making a race map. If we can - before Halo 4 comes out - we will take the time to share it here with all of you.

  6. A very common wall-piece substitute, which I believe was started by THFE... but don't take my word for it... was to use Brace large pieces. What you do, in most cases, is bury the burves end in the ground and have the long side vertical. You can choose which side you want inside and which you want outside (since they both offer a different design). Depending on whether your structure is against a rock background, you could put them horizontally - since the problem with doing that in any of other case is that the curved-end sticks out. Here's an example of how I implemented brace larges on my "Tanker" map to build the control room:



    You can see I also used walls, out of necessity, but they can change the layout of the map.



    Here, from the inside of the control room, you can see the opposing side (which offers a different design)


    This is a link to the full map if you want to see it: "Tanker"

  7. Another great map Psychoduck! I love how from the above view it seems extremely simplistic, but when you get down to the ground level wow! It just blows my mind all the details you put in aesthetically and all the logistics for some hard-core but very enjoyable gameplay implemented. Keep up the great work!

  8. Beautiful map Robius! Love the attention to detail. Definitely captures the AC feel, lol! Already sent to xbox to be downloaded upon signing in to Reach. :thumbsup:


    Wow, thanks Choot'em! I'm really glad you liked it and that you noticed all the details I put in. It was rather labouring to make, but I'm very happy with the finished product. Thank you for the download!


    Lol. When I was sizing up all the competition I looked at this one. It was pretty cool. Nice work my friend. :thumbsup:


    Thanks CooliestRap for taking the time to check out my map. I'm glad you liked it and I'm very excited for the end of the [PB] contest... I hope it will be soon!

    • Like 2
  9. Surprisingly enough, this the furthest thing from a console war, the people are being civilized humans about it.


    Yeah, I agree. From what I've seen, everyone (or at least most of the people here) have been very calm and collected while making their points. I didn't see any swearing or blatant insults towards any console. I actually find it so nice that, as you've said, "people are being civilized humans about it". This is another reason I like this forum. Unlike some others that I've seen, which permit people to hate and swear, this one has proper rules which have allowed people to grow and be mature about making their points. Great job with keeping it clean (enough) forum members!

    • Like 1
  10. I would be thrilled to get to use a Pelican in Campaign and Custom Games. The sneak peak feel we got during the Halo: Reach mission, New Alexandria, was good... but not enough. If we could actually use a pelican, with all his fighting glory, either in Campaign (preferable) or Custom Games (pretty sweet) then I would be extremely happy!

  11. How about an aerial battle gametype? Or something. Why not give us SABER battles in Multiplayer? It'd be boss. Maybe for Halo 5...


    That would be pretty awesome. They could bring the basic concept used in Star Wars: Battlefront 2 to base themselves on and just build it up from that. Wow... that would actually be so cool.

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