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Everything posted by Robius5991

  1. Wow Choot' Em, I really like your map. The fact that each phase takes place on the same base map (the island) is very cool. If I had to choose, I would say that my favourite phase is the last one. Snakehead Castle looks epic. The way you used the Walkway large pieces (I belive) makes for an awesome surface structure for both the inside and the outside of the castle. I also love how you used the Sniper Nest to make your snake head. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I really liked the two lasers found atop the Spartan defence position in the second phase. Although I feel bad that you didn't get the chance to submit the map to [PB] contest, atleast it allowed you to make the gametype more original [with the destructable vehicles], something the rest of us weren't allowed to do for reason of contest rules. Keep up the great work! Anyways, I'm glad to see another player posting his [PB] map here on the forum, they're so cool to look at and analyse. If you're interested, here's a link to the map that I submitted to the THFE PB Contest: [PB] Assassin's Creed
  2. Huh, cool observation, I did not notice that at all.
  3. Totally in agreement. A book is definetely a better source on which to base yourself for creating a script and screenplay for a movie.
  4. Yeah, I see what you mean Mr. DJ, about how certain weapons (Assault Rifle, DMR, BR, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun etc..) can look similar to weapons we have today, but I have two possible explanations for this. First of all, it could be that they kept the initaly concepts of our modern guys but simply added power to them [like perhaps they found a way to accelerate the bullets to cause more damage]. The second explanation could be that they want to show how certain weapons just never go out of style. I mean, look at modern society how in many movies/games we still see revolvers, which can only hold very limited ammo compared to more modern handguns, but they kept because they are well known as effective, have a history and can be feared. Also, as for the point that you said humans didn't have advanced weapons, I'm going to have to agree with EliteISnIp3r, the Spartan Laser is reallt as futuristic as it gets! - Also look into the Gauss Hogs.
  5. Lol, back to the topic at hand, I agree with some of the others. If you're going to make a matchmaking re-boot aswell, please do not add any more "recent" Halo aspects to it. Keep the same weapons, jump height adjustments and lack of armour abilities. If it's going to be a Halo 2 Re-make (the re-make mainly being the graphics/achievements, as they did with Halo:CE Anniversarry) they shoul keep the base Halo 2 aspects in check while making it.
  6. I love the cutscenes from this game, very epic, and I like the concept behind the game itself, however I'm not fond of doing the whole RTS think with a console remote. I much prefer it was on PC, so as to use a mouse, but that's just my take on it.
  7. Hey Pete, I concure with your idea about the setting. I really think Ubisoft hit another jackpot with this idea of theirs. As for the multiplayer, I really haven't seen much of it, but if they can improve on the few flaws it had last time, I see no reason why it will not be amazing!
  8. Thank Pete, yeah, this map really does play hardcore. I'm also happy you like the screenshots, I find they happened to be a happy concidence that came to be with the FX and weapon choices we made! Thanks dude. Lol, I'm glad you like it so much. We wanted go with a Star Wars theme that had never been used before, so I guess this really ended up working well. And yes, the gameplay is an absolute blast!
  9. Wow, you really picked a picture that lightens up the screen. I haven't seen very many good race maps on Ridgeline before, so I'll make sure to look into this. You seem to have some nice overlapping and curves that would make this rather enjoyable with a decent amount of racers involved.
  10. Congratz on getting a THFE feature for your aesthetic map. I really like the various robots you designed. They all seem pretty original and that's what makes it all the better. I love how people can keep coming with new ideas even as we near the end of Halo: Reach's era.
  11. Very good re-creation of the map. I find you used your pieces efficiently and correctly while forging. This made for an awesome setup that looks both aesthetically identical (considering Reach's forge limits - like no shatterable glass) and would seem to support some great gameplay, just like the original!
  12. Very cool map Flyingshoe, I saw it featured on THFE. You seem to have kept it very clean and smooth. I like the multi-layered effect cause by your sink-hole idea, very clever way of implementing that within the map to keep the environement rather varied. I'd say this is a great way of ending your Halo Reach forging with, as you said.
  13. From what I saw in the pictures, the buildings seem pretty acurate to the mission "Lone Wolf", I also like the idea you have of using the infected as the Covenant forces. I just wanted to ask, is the gametype changed to force players into being Elites when they are infected, or do you stay as your Spartan is designed?
  14. Lol, very interesting conspiracy theory. Rather original and ingenious. You are either an unbelievably smart genious who has crack the "Chief Code" or another funny conspiracy theorist.... either way, great post dude!
  15. Oh my god... I can't believe I forgot this movie. "Fight Club". What an amazing film... I only wish I would be allowed to talk about it... but you know the rules.... lol
  16. Wow, having this mech-like machine could really add some interesting aspects to War Games. I was a little worried that the weapons would be the only "large" change to gameplay, but the addition of such a vehicle would drastically alter certain instances and maps while playing online. I'm pretty hyped!
  17. Without question, I am larger fan on the Xbox franchise. I don't have anything against PS3, but I just generally find that Xbox really gives more bang for your buck. Our exclusives are usually far better quality than those of PS3 (my personnal opinion), I prefer our controlers, as they fit more properly into the player's hand (also my own opinion) and I find than whenever I want to have a really competitive experience online, Xbox is the way to go. The fact that we pay for online access has been insulted and mocked by certain PS3 players, however I find it something that we should be proud of. From my research, I find that our servers run stronger, our quality of players - as in skill level - has a higher average then PS3 (mainly because we are paying for the priveledge to play online - so therefore many people will find it worth their time to get good at the games they play) and, as I've said, I find that our exclusives are just a little more grown-up (yet again just my opinion). I really don't meen to hate on the PS3 users, infact I agree with some other people here, it is a great entertainement system, however if I were made to choose, I would always pick Xbox!
  18. Master Chief, no question about it. He's either the last (or one of the last...) Spartans, an elite soldier who fights for humanity's existence. He will single handedly successfully execute more near-death missions than the entire UNSC military combined. Yeah... I think the Chief has my vote.
  19. Wow what a cool vehicle. I haven't been following the vids, so I don't know where they've mentioned this or not, but I really hope they let us ride this atleast once in the campaign. I'd that they would become "The Pelicans" of this Halo trilogy... basically a sick vehicle that we'd see often, but would either never be able to ride or only for a short period of time as an easter egg in their last game... lol Halo: Reach - New Alexandria easter egg reference!
  20. I concure with Angel of Death, the maps were all aesthetically pleasing, which offered great new environements to play in for Halo: Reach, but wow can the Chievos be hard to get. Not only are they complexe enough on their own, but now with the playlist changes... I just find it rather hard to get the last few. Lol, anyways, that's my take on the DLC!
  21. Really cool stuff, I'll give it a download later on tonight.
  22. Cool Tomlids, thanks for making this thread, I think its a very cool idea! (the thread i mean lol)
  23. Those look pretty sweet. Can't wait to play me some Spartan Ops! Also, I'm sorry if I sound stupid, but I really haven't been following the Halo news for a while, what re the enemies in the 2nd picture called?
  24. I really like what you guys have done with that series. I've checked out quite a few linear infection "series" and I think that your's (you and Oakley) is my favourite. You've really pumped up the zombie concept within the game and given players a very cool gaming experience which offers a mix of some of the best zombie movies. As for new ideas, I can't say that I have many, but perhaps you guys could do something like was seen in "28 days later". If I remember correctly, your last map ends with a helicopter flying off, so maybe you could do something like the falcon crashes in a blocked off city district. The purpose of this could be that they see a flashing light on a high floor (indicating some humans trying to reach them). The mission would lead the players to the highest point of the building (however many floors you can pull off) and then, once they reach the top, they could light a flare to signal any military patrols nearby. I plan on using such a concept (the flare) on one of my own upcoming maps, but I really don't mind sharing with you guys.
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