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Posts posted by Robius5991

  1. I'm pretty sure if they keep all the basic gametypes that were available in Halo 3 for the same map, it'll be a lot of fun. And yes, I heard the map was confirmed as now being called "Ragnarok" . As for the Mantis, last I read they still claim it will only be in campaign, however after seeing that gameplay, I'm not totally sure. It could have simply been a test for possibly using it in matchmaking, or perhaps this was just a small sneak peek of what is to come. Too bad nothing's been 100% confirmed about it I guess...

  2. Yeah, I understand the importance of gaming companies to always remember their roots, because let's be honest, it was those initial ideas that got them their first large fan base that usually keeps following the series through to the end. However, I think change is necessary in games. I doesn't need to be drastic, but I like a twist in my games as a series progresses. I know many did not like the way Bungie finished Halo with Reach (because there were so many changes, but I actually really enjoyed the development - Keep in mind, i had also player Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo 3 ODST prior). So basically what I'm saying is that people do have the right to complain all they want about 343, but I honestly think we should give 343 a chance. Yet again, I'm well aware that there were some haters because of how they did the Anniversary edition, but that was a re-make. I'm actually excited to see how Halo 4 does. Anyways, what I'm saying is, try to keep an open mind, but I understand if you have your reasons...

  3. I'm sorry for asking, but I don't quite understand the concept of this. How does this work? Do I go on Xbox and find a tab that says Election 2012 and just watch the vids? Are they only available on the days posted and if we miss these days, does that mean we can't get that "view" to count towards getting the armour? Also, I'm in Canada, am I eligiable for this? Sorry for all the questions Spectral, not sure if you know all the answers, but I'm kind of stumped here...

  4. Wow, its crazy to think that the FPS genre goes back to around the 70s, pretty cool. Good research Reaperi19. Personnaly, I found that with the release of Halo: Combat Evolved, the genre got a nice reboot which led the way to all the more modern-typed FPS games. This is simply my opinion, but I really think that the creation of the Halo Franchise helped revolutionise the FPS genre in general, which in turn, allowed us to have these awesome games that we play today!

  5. I'll bleep out any foul language, cause there's bound to be some in these quotes... [Also, beware of Spoilers]




    "Bunch of slack-jawed fa**ots around here. This stuff will make you a god da**ed sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me." -Blain


    "Leave it. He didn't kill you because you weren't armed. No sport in it." - Dutch


    "Come on... Come on! Do it! Come on! Come on! Kill me! I'm here! Kill me! I'm here! Kill me! Come on! Kill me! I'm here! Come on! Do it now! Kill me!" - Dutch


    Fight Club:


    "Where'd you go, psycho boy?" -Tyler Durden

    "I felt like destroying something beautiful." -Narrator


    "The things you own end up owning you!" -Tyler Durden


    "Welcome to Fightclub. The first rule of Fight Club ------ sorry I'm not allowed to finish this quote lol.


    The Godfather:


    "Why come to me? What have I done to deserve such generosity?" -Don Corleone


    "Only don't tell me that you're innocent. Because it insults my intelligence and it makes me very angry. Now, who approched you first? Barzini or Tattaglia? -Michael Corleone


    "My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse." -Michael Corleone

    "How did he do that?" -Kay Adams

    "Luca Brasi held a gun to his head, and my father assured him that either his brains or his signature would be on the contract....... That's a true story." -Michael Corleone

  6. Wow Choot' Em, I really like your map. The fact that each phase takes place on the same base map (the island) is very cool. If I had to choose, I would say that my favourite phase is the last one. Snakehead Castle looks epic. The way you used the Walkway large pieces (I belive) makes for an awesome surface structure for both the inside and the outside of the castle. I also love how you used the Sniper Nest to make your snake head. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I really liked the two lasers found atop the Spartan defence position in the second phase. Although I feel bad that you didn't get the chance to submit the map to [PB] contest, atleast it allowed you to make the gametype more original [with the destructable vehicles], something the rest of us weren't allowed to do for reason of contest rules. Keep up the great work! Anyways, I'm glad to see another player posting his [PB] map here on the forum, they're so cool to look at and analyse. If you're interested, here's a link to the map that I submitted to the THFE PB Contest: [PB] Assassin's Creed

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  7. Also not sure if people saw this, but the Railgun takes a couple seconds to charge similar to the SL before it can fire now...skip to 1:32 in the Regicide vid, but than after that at 1:58, he fires the Rail Gun right away...I wonder if it does more damage if charged or if you are the enemy, it shows a blue light when someone is about to kill you with the RG?


    Huh, cool observation, I did not notice that at all.

  8. Yeah, I see what you mean Mr. DJ, about how certain weapons (Assault Rifle, DMR, BR, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun etc..) can look similar to weapons we have today, but I have two possible explanations for this. First of all, it could be that they kept the initaly concepts of our modern guys but simply added power to them [like perhaps they found a way to accelerate the bullets to cause more damage]. The second explanation could be that they want to show how certain weapons just never go out of style. I mean, look at modern society how in many movies/games we still see revolvers, which can only hold very limited ammo compared to more modern handguns, but they kept because they are well known as effective, have a history and can be feared. Also, as for the point that you said humans didn't have advanced weapons, I'm going to have to agree with EliteISnIp3r, the Spartan Laser is reallt as futuristic as it gets! - Also look into the Gauss Hogs.

  9. Lol, back to the topic at hand, I agree with some of the others. If you're going to make a matchmaking re-boot aswell, please do not add any more "recent" Halo aspects to it. Keep the same weapons, jump height adjustments and lack of armour abilities. If it's going to be a Halo 2 Re-make (the re-make mainly being the graphics/achievements, as they did with Halo:CE Anniversarry) they shoul keep the base Halo 2 aspects in check while making it.

  10. Oh, hey Robius. I'm also very excited for this upcoming game. I've got to say that the american revolution is a sick idea for a setting and I'm super excited to play some multiplayer. I really hope they add some new things to keep it fresh and original!


    Hey Pete, I concure with your idea about the setting. I really think Ubisoft hit another jackpot with this idea of theirs. As for the multiplayer, I really haven't seen much of it, but if they can improve on the few flaws it had last time, I see no reason why it will not be amazing!

  11. Cool map guys. This looks insanely hardcore. Btw, I've got to say that these are some of the most epic screenshots I've seen!


    Thank Pete, yeah, this map really does play hardcore. I'm also happy you like the screenshots, I find they happened to be a happy concidence that came to be with the FX and weapon choices we made!


    cool map


    Thanks dude.


    Best... Star Wars... Themed... Map... Ever, of all time

    But seriously, I really like the screenshots and it sounds like it has great gameplay, will have to download it sometime.


    Lol, I'm glad you like it so much. We wanted go with a Star Wars theme that had never been used before, so I guess this really ended up working well. And yes, the gameplay is an absolute blast!

  12. Wow, you really picked a picture that lightens up the screen. I haven't seen very many good race maps on Ridgeline before, so I'll make sure to look into this. You seem to have some nice overlapping and curves that would make this rather enjoyable with a decent amount of racers involved.

  13. Congratz on getting a THFE feature for your aesthetic map. I really like the various robots you designed. They all seem pretty original and that's what makes it all the better. I love how people can keep coming with new ideas even as we near the end of Halo: Reach's era.

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