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Posts posted by Robius5991

  1. it can possible be a year between Mc craches and infinity craches


    Skummgummigubbe is completely right. We have no idea as to the time period in which Halo 4 takes place. For all we know, it could be a day or two between MC's crash and the Infinity crash or maybe a year or two. All will be revealed once the game comes out!

  2. Yet again, a very nicely built map, Death by Dogs. You really know how to build an aesthetically pleasing linear infection map. The area where the humans begin is my favourite part of the map, but the rest seems really cool. Yet again though, I'm going to need to bother you with a question. Is the tank at the beginning usuable? - or is it instantly broken by a mine or something. Anyways, the nice dispersement of small improvised crates looks very cool. Great job once again!

  3. Very cool map dude. I like where you decided to build it, you don't usually see any infection maps in the area. The way the map works it way up the Pinnacle rock looks pretty cool. Nice map design, each bridge-work looks very improvised by the humans, like a quick manner to allow them to work their way up. Can they get inside the main structure at the top? That would really be my only question, but generaly speaking, this map is pretty well built!

  4. Crysis 2 was one of my favourite FPS games. The campaign was brilliantly executed (and ended with an amazing cliffhanger) and the multiplayer offered a fast-paced, heart pounding experience that rivaled Halo in epicness. I can't wait for the release of the sequel, this should be just spectacular. If they take anything they've learned from their previous game this is going to be one of the best games released that year!

  5. Does anyone know whether 343 plans on doing the "Career Milestone" like Halo: Reach in Halo 4 aswell? I'm sorry for asking this, but it seems like all questions have been answered and I was wondering is any of you knew? If they did, because of Reach's additional achievement count, along with those from the new game, it should add a little more to do for those of us who've already reached the top rank.

  6. The BR looks alright. I can kind of understand how they wanted to keep things fresh and make it seem like there's been updates since Halo 3's time period. To honest though, the gun I'm not too fond of right now is the Sniper Rifle. Am I the only one who thinks that gigantic scope looks a little over the top? I'm a little concerned that we may lose some screen space to this massive bo on top of the gun...

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  7. I would have to say that it really depends on the situation. I try not to be "that guy" who can't make a decision, but it is a double-edged question.

    -In most close-quaters battles, I would definetly choose a Wraith over the Scorpion. The Wraith has it's mortar gun, which allows to fire almost directly infornt of you and, should a hijacker be mounting you hull, with a well placed shot you can kill him without destroying your tank. It's boosters also allow for some splatter kills, a feature almost never seen with a Scorpion and the fact that it hovers (like all Covenant vehicles) means that it is able to employ spinning manoeuvers, so as to avoid any hijackers on its rear. It is also a great bombardement tool, if you are on a map with buildings blocking your line of sight (since you can simply fire over them). Also, as the Director mentioned, the driver is slightly lower in his seat, which permits for a little more protection against enemy snipers.

    -However, in any wide-open (with large lines-of-sight) maps, I would choose the Scorpion without a question. It's cannon can fire at great accuracy to enemies in the distance and is a 1-hit-kill to most vehicles. With a well set team, prepared to kill any hijackers (since the Scorpion is pretty much useless when it comes to killing hijackers) a Scorpian can be border-line invincible. When you have enough space between you and the enemy, I would say the Scorpion would win the majority of those battles. It's also very good at killing players who are jet-packing and those who are camping and who occasionally poke their heads out.

    *So, that's why I have trouble choosing a favourite between the two. If I would have to simplify my reasons, I would have to say that using a Wraith is like charging in with a Shotgun, while using a Scorpian is more like using a Sniper Rifle. Perhaps some of you will not agree with this logic, but give it a little thought and I think you may see where I'm coming from with that comparison.

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  8. Cool map, I like how you implemented it into the waterside. Your generator-type structures are very nicely built and I like the look of the inside of the plant aswell. You've given the map a nice backdrop also, as you put in some nice crane designs. Overall it seems like a nicely built map. Good job!

  9. The last pysch profile was really a let down. It did not seem to work at all.


    Yeah, but we can only hope to see an improvement this time around. I think that the suggestion I made would be a decent addition to it though, don't you think?

  10. I am ok with people joining me but i want the option not to join a game in progress.


    Once again I must agree with the Doctor! Lol. They should allow use to fill in a section of Psych Profile (If they're doing that again) were you can decide whether you want to join games fast (by getting to join on progress) or if you rather got to vote (were you join a group in postgame or lobby, readying to vote).

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  11. phase 1 I believe where you assault the gate (3 small railings) I never thought of such design.


    Lol! Thats so cool dude. To be honest, that was a last second improvisation. Many parts of the map were planned out, but that one was completely random inspiration. I don't even know how it came to mind, but I think it's cool that you like it. Thanks for the comment!

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