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AbleSir Thomas

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Everything posted by AbleSir Thomas

  1. If your looking for feedback based on a gameplay test, you should submit this to TNT. Screens look epic. Ill give this a look in forge and get back to you.
  2. The event rules require you to be present, but given your circumstances I"ll try to run a game on it anyway. I'll upload the game-play to my FS and give you feedback over live. If you feel better send me an xbl msg and ill invite you.
  3. The layout is awesome. I love the height variation and segmentation. Very awesome visuals and clean forging. You should submit this to TNT tonight, I would love to play it.
  4. You should submit this to TNT, I would love to have a game on it.
  5. epic screens, I'll gives this a DL. I will provide feedback soon
  6. This map has some interesting structures but they just don't fit. You should rebuild this somewhere else. The flooring and walls clash with rest if the map (almost burns my eyes). Maybe elsewhere on erosion or forge island.
  7. The map has clean forging and interesting visuals but there are several issues. The teleporters are disorienting (even in forge). The shield doors may cause issues with players being trapped inside or outside the central structure. The layout of the central structure is very open (feels like a death trap). The lower level is very awkward and feels like a death pit ( teleporters and awkward ramps cause issues). Lots of right angles inside results in almost "tunnel vision". (it feels your being funneled around the structure.) These are a few observations I've made by looking at the map in forge. However like most things in life "you never know till you try it" so i recommend you submit this to TNT. Then you can have my opinion, and the opinion of other forgers/players after a test.
  8. looks awesome you now have another DL Maybe you should change the angles of the rocks on bottom mid, to allow players to jump out of "the pit". It feels very restrictive in that area.
  9. Duck has been busy, it's that whole "life" thing getting in the way of halo. You should be hearing from him at some point.
  10. its not a good idea until a bunch of people yell at you lol
  11. If YOU want to test your map with THFE and experienced forgers, sign up for the Tuesday Night Tests.
  12. Sounds cool. Cant wait to see the pics. Be sure to add a waypoint link so people can easily DL your map
  13. 1. Go to halowaypoint.com on your web browser 2. Sign in with your xbl account. 3. At the top right of the main waypoint page, highlight theCAREER tab 4. Click FILESHARE 5. Click MAP VARIANTS 6. Highlight the web page URL 7. Hit CTRL C 8. Click EDIT POST on your thread at 343i 9. Click the link button in the basic editor (it looks like a chain link) 10. Press CTRL V 11. Click OK 12. Click SAVE CHANGES
  14. um-mm lots of issues here 1. bravo is completely disconnected from the rest of the map and does not appear structurally sound, its practically floating 50 feet in the air 2. extremely open sight-lines with no transitional cover for players 3. red and blue teleporters seem to indiscriminately murder players, while green goes across to the map to nowhere. 4. most of your initial and re-spawns are facing walls. 5. no base re-spawn zones on map(this will cause players to spawn randomly) 6. warthog pads facing a wall 7. awkward super steep ramps will make it impossible for players to move/fight for bravo 8. hidden armories are never acceptable 9. wtf shade turret
  15. I'm not in charge of competitive features, i was simply trying to provide some feedback. Your map design is interesting I would recommend making the verticality more gradual. Maybe a ramp xl instead of the steep.
  16. When I tried to give you feedback over live, my party waited in forge for 30 mins. We were trying to talk about your map but you weren't responding. I'm not sure if it was a technical issue or what, but we could not hear you. My friend just got mad and "deleted all" in your forge game. With my time on your map I can tell you your map does suffer from the lighting glitch, due to your almost maxed out forge budget. Also your layout is very confusing, players will have a hard time moving/ fighting on your map. Also your base terminals are far to exposed leaving no room for any kind of defensive strategy. Your 'AA guns are well forged and you have good design intent. If you would like to discuss more msg me on live, but you will need a headset. Hopefully we will be able to hear each other this time lol .
  17. From the pics i see your map relies heavily on the station corridors. Corridors cause lots of issues ex: frame-rate, player disorientation, call-out issues, and unavoidable bottlenecks everywhere. Also including the open "space" as a playable area may cause issues with base control and player flow. i will look it over in forge to be sure. Your map does benefit from an interesting theme and detailed forging. I would love to further discuss your map with you over xbox live, just message me when you are available.
  18. I would recommend avoiding the steep ramps. Most players feel they are awkward to move/fight on. They also cause frame-rate/lighting issues.
  19. I would recommend moving this to the mini-game section. The "mini" in mini-game doesn't refer to the size of the map. "A minigame (also spelled mini-game or mini game and sometimes called a subgame) is a short video game often contained within another video game. A minigame is always smaller or more simplistic than the game in which it is contained. Minigames are sometimes also offered separately for free to promote the main game. For instance, the Pokémon Stadium minigames involve merely pressing a few buttons at specific intervals, with little complexity." Copy pasted from wikipedia like a boss lol. Your map doesn't support many of the fundamentals of competitive game-play. At least those stressed in halo map design ex: infantry vs vehicle combat, map control, dynamic map movement, etc. With that said tanks fighting tanks is awesome. The competitive elements and strategies that could come from this are interesting, but are not the ones from halo maps or in matchmaking. Players who are interested in competitive or matchmaking style maps would not enjoy this one. Players who love epic mini-games and customs would enjoy this map.
  20. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/24593-please-read-before-posting/ screens look good can you provide a link to your fileshare plz and thank you
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