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Everything posted by marcus903
5PM PST fix working for you?
marcus903 replied to Paul Johnston's topic in Halo: The Master Chief Collection
can somebody tel me how to get the game to install? -
Sadly, they haven't found themselves in an 5v1 situation because of leavers...
So.... you're constantly striking down my points just because ONE person left the game you were in. Awkward That is the most dumbest lie I've ever been told. Yes, I've played Objective Games. And the lie you told after that false assumption is wrong. I've played many Objective Games where teammates quit and still won and vice versa. I find it hard to believe the enemy team will "overpower my team" because we're short on 1 player. I do agree that you need every teammate to be successful, but that's one of the reasons why the JIP was made in the first place, so you CAN be successful. What? You're going to desperately lose because Player D left and will never return? Another lie is told. Patience works in ALL games, including FFA modes. Just because ONE guy leaves isn't going to effect you nor your teammates if there is a JIP system. Also, you have to have somebody defending the flag in order to be successful and not have the entire team charging to the enemy flag. Another false lie is told. With leaver penalties, you are idiotically penalizing people for quitting a game when there is a JIP system there. And let me tell you out loud so you'll get it: THERE IS NOT GOING TO BE A STEAKIN' LEAVER PENALTY BECAUSE THERE IS A JIP SYSTEM TO REPLACE THOSE PLAYERS. SO YOU'RE ENTIRE ARGUMENT SAYING THAT THERE WON'T BE ANY REBALANCING NEEDED IS STUPID AND ENTIRELY FALSE!!!!!!!!!! Please be aware that most people DO leave for legitimate reasons and there HAS been reasons to leave matches. I don't get why you're the only person that don't get that. Get it through your head: THERE WILL NOT, AND SHOULD NOT, BE A LEAVER PENALTY BECAUSE IT'S ENTIRELY UNNEEDED AND WILL RUIN THE GAME'S REPUTATION! DUMBASS, GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEAD!!!!
What playlists do you hate the most?
It's funny how some clans aim for a 'team' objective. 1. Right. 2. Here's an issue: Telling someone how to play a game is not going to get you clan members. Some people (like me) wouldn't shoot an enemy if they know they're going to lose unless a teammate is next to them and the enemy hasn't noticed them. Though, it could help your teammates, that doesn't always help you. Sometimes, the enemy has struck down your shields so much that it is worthless even trying to shoot them. You can try, but it's not always possible. 3. What is this? The US Army? You don't need to communicate in order to play a game. I understand that communication is always essential when it comes to team games, but that doesn't always mean it's needed in order to win. 4. Again, telling people how they should play the game is not going to earn you team members (unless that was a strategy and NOT a rule) 5. True. This should include bashing someone who appears to be an underage gamer. Sorry if this is pointless, wrong, or rude. But I don't see why your skill must match your approval.
Yes, I did read your post before responding. The JIP system DOES help people in objective games. What you're saying is that people seem to leave so often in objective games, which is totally not true. Leavers do NOT affect your team nor the other team because of the JIP system (unless there are constantly people leaving in your games). The JIP system (as I told you several times) replaces them so your team be rebalanced. Who cares if there are several people leaving? They'll still be replaced quickly and efficently. The only problem with leavers is that some of them will leave because their favorite map wasn't voted for or they can't deal with the map that gets chosen. But does that mean they should get penalized? No. There is a JIP system in place to replace them. I find it hard to believe that the objective games you've played wasn't a full game because of leavers. I've played CTF, Oddball and King of the Hill where only a FEW people left and got replaced by other players. Also, it's not called a 'full game' because people left, that is called an 'imbalanced game'. A full game is where you leave or end the game before it's supposed to be over. Just to let you know. The only problem with the JIP system is that it sometimes places you in games that are almost complete. It needs to be fixed so that it doesn't put you in a game that is at least 90% complete from being over (via time constraints and points being earned). My only suggestion is to have the patience and wait until another person join so that the game will be rebalanced. The JIP isn't always going to work, but it's the ONLY way teams can be rebalanced. The game isn't going to have a leaver penalty because that can cause problems for the community (especially people who leave for legitimate reasons or people who despise quit penalties). My only advise: Be patient and the teams will be rebalanced. That's all we can do.
To be honest, I prefer Ragnarok better than Exile.
Exile (or Ragnarok) didn't get voted for everytime I play the damn playlist. Don't you think?
We shouldn't penalize people for quitting period. There should not be any quitting penalty for any gametype, even if objective games. The JIP system is there for a reason. We don't need a leave penalty. Get it through your head, Cortar.
This thread, AGAIN!!!! How many times I have to ******* tell you? THERE IS NOT GOING TO BE ANY LEAVER PENATLY! There is a JIP system, you friggin' idiot. How is it that hard to understand, dumbass?
I know we all can't control getting assists, but I'm starting to feel like I'm being insulted everytime I get an assist for almost every opponent I try to kill in the first game. How is an insult? Let me tell you: When you get an assist, the game is basically saying: "<insert gamertag here!> stole your kill!!" I'm pretty sure everyone doesn't mean to steal my kill, even I have stolen someone's kill. But when I am CONSTANTLY getting assists without a single kill in between, it gets anti-climatic, even if it's unintentional. Do anyone feel the same way?
It's hard to kill a sniper because you have to play leap frog while shooting at them. Most of the time, they win.
Seriously, one sniper killed me with one body shot. A second sniper killed my fully operating warthog with one shot Then, I get killed with one shot. WHAT IS WITH THIS? Why do sniper rifles have too be overpowered? And why do people overuse it like they have no other weapon to use other than to snipe people? Seriously, I hate the Sniper Rifle because it's very easy to kill people and then I am not good at using the sniper rifle? WHAT THE HELL? I just ragequit out of the match because they need to tweek the sniper rifle so it's not easy to get a single one-shot kill in the body.
What strategies do you use succesfully, and in which maps, gametypes?
marcus903 replied to Warriormessiah's topic in Halo 4
I'm going to post a thread listing all of my strategies. -
Let me tell you my secret: I was using the mantis for 98% of the game. And yes, I was guarding the flag the entire game. There were three times where some opponents somehow snuck around me and got the flag, but I managed to kill them quickly before they even got to the middle part of the map. Unlike most players who would get the mantis, and directly charge at the other team's base in a idiotic attempt to stop them from capturing the flag and/or leave the base, I actually got the mantis and remained at the base, making sure no opponent gets the flag. Nobody even tried to jack me either, I just sat back and guarded the flag.
I just got done playing a CTF match and noticed that I didn't die once. Have anyomne accomplished this?
I know I shouldn't do this because it basically makes me a complainer myself and because those complainers targeted by this thread will throw skippy fits at me. But it appears I have to do it. I've recently posted in several threads trying to explain why the 'Join Session In Progress' feature was implemented. I whether got ignored or shot down. Then, I had to deal with someone (by the name of 'Cortar') who believes there should be a 'leaver penalty' and a basic irritation of the JIP system because he doesn't like uneven teams. Let me tell you this: Bungie's attempt at stopping quitters failed because they didn't notice the lack of a JIP system. All they did was implement some 'quitting penalty' that only lasted 10 minutes. Developers who add quitting penaties need to realize that they no matter what they do, there will always be people quitting. You can make a 30 minute quit ban, but people are still going to quit, the game is just going to lose reputation, and players are just going to start complaining. This was a big problem back when Reach was released, many people went onto bungie.net and complained about them being banned from matchmaking because they had other things they need to do. Because of this, many players stopped playing reach, some players even moved to Call of Duty. Bungie didn't understand that they can't technically stop players from quitting, even if they made it where they remove the quit button, all players can do is unplug the xbox, which will lead into an even more controversy to some players. Back when I had Reach, I had a hatred of quitters. It was until this year when I figured out it was because of the lack of a JIP system. The JIP system rebalances teams after a player quit. But some people don't even realize it's purpose. Now, I do agree that it has some problems. I, myself, had been placed in a game that was 3 seconds from ending. But you can't just expect every single system to be 100% perfect. Each system (both online and real-life) has flaws that some or most people don't like. But nobody (not even the federal government) is going to remove them because several people didn't like it. Why? Because without it, it would cause problems that will lead to even more problems with the community. Even so, it just needs some tweeking so we don't get placed into a game that is 90% from being complete. Just removing it is not going to help, even if the entire fanbase disliked it. As for the people hating on the system because of the fact you are always placed on the losing team, I don't get why you want to be placed on the winning team so much because I don't see why you want to be placed on the winning team every time you JIP. The JIP system has to place you on the best available team, not your best preferred team. There is a set proecedure for putting you in a middle of a match. If you stay in the game, (winning or not), you'll still probably get the XP earned for the entire match. I believe that happened to me when I joined that match that ended immediately after I joined, as I don't remember getting less than 2000 XP points. I can't stop you from hating on the JIP because that's your opinion. But JIP is what Halo needed since Halo 3 and we all just have to support the team we get put on so they can all get their XP points. Nobody is going to receive XP if people are constantly quitting. Look at Call of Duty: No quit penalty, a JIP system, no people whining over the JIP system, and a smooth gameplay. To Cortar: As I said before, 343 Industries is not going to just put a leaver penalty since there is a JIP system in place, even if it is 'broken'. Deal with it, or go back to playing Halo: Reach where there is no JIP system, and there is a leaver penalty.
Why are some people so absord over 'teamwork'? Seriously. Sure, teamwork and communication is an essential motivation for winning games, but that isn't always required to win a game. The reason it is called Big 'TEAM' Infinity slayer because you are put into a team, and each kill you get goes toward your team's score. Anyone who dares to blurt out a decision, suggestion, or command will be ignored in all of the games I've played. Big TEAM Infinity Slayer does NOT need teamwork and communication. You do, however, have to try to strategize how you should attack the other team, be it following your teammates and help them out or using specific 1v1 strategies if you decide to go out alone. If you choose the 1v1 strategy, then meeting a group of 3 opponents is on you. There are also strategies you can use to win a game. I have NEVER seen a teammate or opponent try to work with each other to strategize or coordinate an attack. This isn't Left 4 Dead 2 where players are desperate for a attack coordination. Again, you can try to coordinate an attack, but 99% of the players will ignore you. You're better off coordinating with friends.
I am getting sick of stubborn players calling people 'kids' just because they do something that they disagree with. Grow the hell up. Secondly, some people do it because most of the time when you try to look for another weapon, you'll be killed before you even know it.
Honestly, Halo needs to have dedicated servers and not servers ran by a host because I'm sick of playing a match, then being forced to wait through a black screen showing a list of all the players, then feeling sorry for the people who killing spree got reset because of this stupid host migration. Why can't Halo 4 have dedicated servers and not servers that is hosted by a player? Why do we have host migration? no replies?
Let me freakin' guess: You are starting another whine thread about how the JIP system 'sucks' and how there should be a leaver penalty after me and some other people clearly explained to you in your duplicate thread why the JIP system was made. Secondly, I would've left as well in your 1v1 game. Nobody likes to play a 1v1 match on Big Team slayer. You may have joined a session in progress that just ended and everyone in the game left. Just leave the game and find another match.
And again, Cortar continues to vent about how the JIP system is entirely broken. I've tried to tell him that the JIP is not always going to immediately find a player to join the match, yet he's still bluttering about how I don't 'bother to read his anything he says'. And as for Perfectious, you also need to man up. The JIP system was made for a reason. It was made to rebalance teams due to quitters. Let me tell yout this now (which you'll probably going to strike down): You can't expect a system to be 100% perfect as that's never possible. Some systems, popular or not, is not always going to work right for you. There's always going to be at least 1 problem that whether you and/or everyone else dislikes. 343 Industries is not going to remove the JIP system because some players didn't like it or think it's broken because it hooks you up with games that is close to being finish. The only thing 343 Industries can and should do, is tweek the system so that you won't join a game that is close to being done (whether it be time constraints or the number of points to win). If they do that, then I can guarantee you that the system will be better. Cortar, Perfectious, and other people solely hating on the JIP system should realize the problems it causes without it. The JIP is the ONLY way to fix the issue with uneven teams. I used to think that there should be a feature that puts you in a 'Quick match' or lets you choose if you want to start the game fresh or in progress. But now, I see why 343 Industries is forcing players to JIP now. They're forcing you to JIP because without that mandatory mechanic, there will be a less chance of half or most of the games being unbalanced due to leavers. If you want a game that punishes you for quitting and does not have JIP system, go back to playing Halo: Reach. So, Cortar and Perfectious, I hate to continue flaming you: But, you guys are complete monkey-acting dumbasses. Thank You
It doesn't always work because it hasn't found a player yet. Again, someone will join momentarily.