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    I really don't know, I just woke up here
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    Halo, BF3, Minecraft

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    spiderman cy612

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  1. I agree in part with both sides of the argument. I enjoy playing old school halo without all the new stuff but I equally enjoy the new stuff. Infinity slayer has the tendency to piss me off with all the power weapons going around, that is however personal preference. What is probably best for the game is to stop feeling like a beta. I do mean that, to me halo 4 feels more like a beta than a finished game. No file-share ( as of yet), some balancing issues, map design (they are lacking so don't go into it), and so on. If they had launched halo 4 as a beta I would have felt better about all the issues but they chose to say they were done and fix it as they went. More to the point I am trying to make is that a classic playlist would be nice. Somewhere I don't have all the new stuff and I can just play. Another playlist I would love to see is a variant of infinity slayer without ordinance or at least specified ordinance. So people stop hating on each other we all enjoy different parts of the game, doesn't mean we are the majority. To op, grow up. I enjoy the old halo's but your not the be all end all in your opinion. Everyone else, you grow up to. Make points based on an unbiased opinion and try to see all sides of the argument. I mean no offense to anyone but try to be objective, we really don't need this to turn into the waypoint forums, just constant hating on one an other.
  2. This has nothing to do with the post but Liquid Bion I love the signature thing about RVB
  3. Okay, so I read the original post and agreed. I then read the posts following saying its not OP. It is by far useful in good hands. I have 13% on my Promethean weapons by using the boltshot alone. You only equip it when you are hiding around the corner and more often than not you don't know I have it. If I am hiding around a corner then most people run after as it looks like I am running. You cant know for sure if he has one or not, and trust me it goes way farther than a melee. If is were given less range and take an entire clip for the charge it would be better.
  4. DMR is an easy balance. decrease its fire rate and tada were done
  5. The old didact was killed on the san shyuum homeworld by the master builder when he was eradicating the san shyuum using one of the halo's. The bornstellar didact survived as is most likely who we will meet in halo 4. We cannot meet the old one. Also I think the ancient evil are the precursors. The forerunners hated them and they may become humanities enemies aswell.
  6. I am willing to do it, sounds like fun. If you are willing to wait 2 weeks I will have an hd PVR and can record from my end aswell, if not I would still like to try. I meet all the requirements, message me via xbox if you choose me
  7. H3 - spartan laser because that was the only gun Reach - DMR kinda beat everything else
  8. I don't think so. If that was the case the knights would have to be more strategic and have completely different character traits than what we have seen. In the books they are brilliant strategists and would almost be impossible for only the chief to kill if there were more than two. I would say they are automated sentries over anything, and the commander is most likely the didact as he is already confirmed in halo 4.
  9. chief clones make more sense. Really the chief would be alone and if your going to have others who shouldn't be their it raises less questions than somehow spartan 3's got their when they think he is dead
  10. As long as 343 spend time testing maps and making sure they work I would love to have community maps in war games. Although for the first few months there should be none because forgers will still be learning game mechanics. Also on a side note: I use to try to post on waypoint, I recently came here and this is my first post and I have to say this seems to be a more constructive community compared to a backstabbing, your wrong because I just want to disagree type that seems to populate the waypoint forums
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