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Everything posted by SlenderMannCo.

  1. You uploaded the same picture multiple times but the map does have some tastes I give it a 7/10 pickles!
  2. This idea was bad, just because someone beat something on the previous difficulty doesn't mean jack-squat. This is how CoD does it. Maybe a weapon skin or an armor set but no; no game changing weaponry allowed!
  3. HeroAnarchy -- [Hms] Ghoulie Graveyard http://tinyurl.com/8mfkzfb -- [HMS] http://tinyurl.com/8qylrtt -- HMS is reminiscent of Halo 3's popular Predator gametype with several tweaks added. -- The map is based on classic 'horror-in-the-graveyard' scenarios The map has a broken down church , 100+ grave , and one tomb. Due to the largeness of the map the warthog is not that overpowered. Recommended players (6-14) -- This is just for Halloween purposes the real map is also in the fileshare.
  4. There are some bumps in the map that annoy me but I don't know if they are with the authentic destruction of the city or just a little lightly done on them. Can you settle my mind by telling me which is it.
  5. Yes but I have taken it down from my Fileshare. If you want I can place it back up tomorrow
  6. 99 people downloaded the gametype / 5 likes is alright. 50 people downloaded the map / 2 likes unfortunately. But All I notice is people using my Slenderman gametype for the wrong map. But to bad you can't have a download pack thing :/
  7. Oh if you do like it please give me feedback and some constructive criticism if possible. If there is criticism don't tell me the map is too small or it's too dark. The map is restrained and the darkness bring atmosphere
  8. Gamertag: HeroAnarchy Map: Turn off the Lights http://tinyurl.com/94epkuj Gametype: Slenderman's Fog http://tinyurl.com/9u3co83 Description: This map is a close combat Horror Survival map. Fitted perfectly with the Slenderman's Fog gametype. This map is very small and only needs up to 3-8 players. The main job for the LastManStanding(or slenderman) is to frighten those who play then attack. The map is built outside of Forgeworld within it being a small box with colums for full slendy effect. p.s. Sorry I am a bit new to the 'Submit a map' thing. So I hope you enjoy it.
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