Town's Edge
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Your group has been on the road for too long. You go and search supplies from a small town in a valley. First you see a crashed crane, apartment and a restaurant. And that's mostly it. Barricaded streets stop you from going further, and the dead start to pay attention to you. This was not a good idea.
I made this map with Mr Pokephile's ClassicINF-gametype in mind, but it should work with for example, zmOutbreak. The map build in the Quarry of Forge World, and surrounding air.
It has a sniper at the human spawn, a rocket launcher, DMR, shotguns and a grenade launcher. There is a warthog and a mongoose.
There's not much to do at the crane, but it blocks your sight.
Someone tried to make it in here, didn't succeed, but left behind ammo and two shotguns. There's an open balcony, where the zombies can't jump to. They can climb ladders though...
Shelves are empty, but next to them are weapons.
No cover, no nothing. Just a rocket launcher on an empty floor.
Not worth a visit. Filled with zombies.
Town Hall
Grenade launcher is a handy weapon, but you'll have to get it right from the front of the zombies rotten noses.
Train station
Trains will be a little late.
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