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Everything posted by GryffinGuy007

  1. You get the llama, but it spits in your mouth. I want Brony to not watch MLP.
  2. Sure, here you go. *places in Xbox. Utter failure of a game* I wish for... freedom.
  3. Wouldn't Burnie Burns, and DocSpartanO07 be the coolest dads ever?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BeckoningZebra1


      Absolute Dog would be an awesome Dad too.

    3. Is not JL
    4. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Doc probably IS the best dad. :)

  4. No loop-de-loop? Disappointing... In all seriousness though, great job. Map's very smooth and not to mention - extremely colorful. Wonderful job.
  5. Here you go. Let me know of any changes you'd like.
  6. I feel... minty. :3

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      You earned the mintiness. :)

    2. Azaxx


      I hate mint, awful flavour.

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      I feel minty. Oh so minty. I feel minty and glinty and wise!

  7. Thanks a bunch, AD! I really appreciate the opportunity to finally give something significant back to this amazing community. I greatly look forward to working with you all, thanks to all who show support! I'll be sure to give my very best to this position. As for Brony, I have something very special for you that I never do. Even now, I'll probably regret doing this, but here we go... B..B..Bro hoof! /)
  8. I assume I'll either go as... An Awoken Warlock. OR An Exo Hunter.
  9. Well, I've already finished shooting Ep. 1 and 2. Ep. 1 is edited and ready, just waiting on some voice-audio to come. Once that's done, I'll begin working on a trailer to hype up the community. Then, when I can, release Ep. 1. Everyone appears to be very excited, and so am I. We've got a great team on our hands, so I'm sure you'll all be delighted to see the final results.
  10. Congratulations Insignia! You very much deserve the privilege, we will all miss your work dearly.
  11. So I thought I'd just share my art creations with all of you. Most of the hand-drawn drawings and paintings I do in my spare time at school. The image-edit signatures I do with a program known as 'Paint.net', which I do in my spare time at home as either leisurely activity or for signatures. I don't ever have an image next to me and copy it, I just improvise and draw as I go. I'll update this when I complete more works, so stay tuned! Thank you all who come to visit my personal gallery: Drawing of a Frigate, off the top of my head. Took me ages to draw, and my teachers have no clue what it is, but I hope you like it. Painting I did for our topic 'Protest Art'. Protests against litter, and ultimately how humanity has become 'buried' under our littering acts; how we are in desperate need of help. Those are all the works I've taken photos of on this Tablet so far, as the rest are still at school. The following are some of the signatures I've created. I have over 50 of these buggers, so I'll just showcase my favorites: And to finish it off... Hope you like them! There's also some art in my Machinima thread, my Signature, my profile, etc. Just all over the place. Feel free to ask, if you ever want a signature done. Thanks all!
  12. Radioactive and a few other songs by Imagine Dragons are definitely stuck in my head; they're just such great songs. However, the song I've been listening to most is:
  13. Wow, that an impressive map you've got going there. I've never heard of you before, so its great to see some new gamertags around here. For unknown forger, you look like you have some brilliant maps to share with the community. This map in particular definitely has a Headlong feel, with the aesthetics resembling a city-like landscape. Since I'm not a competitive forger, I can't exactly give you feedback in terms of gameplay. For aesthetics however, if you have the budget left, may I suggest adding streetlights to add to the atmosphere? All it takes is a simple 'antenna, small' poking out of the ground, then adding a horizontal 'light' piece (forgot the name) at the top, found in the 'Dominion' section. A couple 'Jersey Barriers' for added cover, really give a human-touch to the map aswell. I hope I was of assistance to you.
  14. Meeting Syko and Azaxx. :3 <3
  15. You forgot about all the EXCLUSIVES. You basically just named the upcoming games for all consoles. There are some amazing exclusives such as: -Titanfall -Dead Rising 4 -Sunset Overdrive -Quantum Break I mean, to be honest I think the Xbox One has better exclusives than the PS4. If I have to choose, I'll most likely purchase the Xbox One. I've grown very attached to Halo, so I can't leave it, even if I need to suffer the hardships. It'd be a waste of the various years I've spent on the franchise.
  16. Saddens me deeply that you must step down for your role in the community, as your skills were a great inspiration to me and others. I hope to see you around on the forums, buddy!
  17. I'd really love both of you to voice act! I don't have time to send audition lines, so just send me some audio with your voice so I know what I sounds like. Then I'll allocate you to your desired or best suited positions.
  18. I still need voices for Extras, body actors are also always in need. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/29720-forge-machinima-forging-the-future/
  19. Oh wow... Do you type with the same colors as me..?
  20. *Is greatly resisting the urge to announce something* ...I've already said too much!
  21. You have: Your Enemy Ship Master: SykoWolf Your AI: Azaxx Your Grave Mind: SykoWolf Your Crazy Driver: SykoWolf Your Forerunner Spark: Azaxx Your Shipmaster: Drizzy_Dan Your Overall Commander: Azaxx Your Marine who throws a fit in the corner whenever he loses his squad or sees the flood: Azaxx And the Awesome One: Azaxx
    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      i spent a good 1.5 hours watching those vids due to your first post about 10 hours ago lol.


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