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Everything posted by GryffinGuy007

  1. It'll look higher resolution when used as your small Avatar.
  2. Good golly, FINALLY my internet's back... Anyway, cleaned up most of the requests! *phew* Still a few to do, I believe. Here they are and if you'd like changes, just PM me. Collect your sigs below: Yoshi: http://z52i.img-up.net/Signature381f1.png PrometheanPwner: http://m24i.img-up.net/Signature3a86b.png SNIP3m101: http://w02i.img-up.net/Signature388c7.png Connor Kenway: http://k47i.img-up.net/Signature3f381.png D-38 Boss: http://w02i.img-up.net/Signature341b9.png
  3. MY INTERNET'S BACK! Rejoice!

  4. O - O YESH! I haven't played Halo: Reach in ages! I don't have the actual Halo: Reach disc, just Halo CEA. Haven't been able to play with anyone else because nobody I know really has the Anniversary DLC. Also, the online play for that DLC is absolutely dead. Thank you so much. I PRAISE YOU! The only issue is that it's dated for tomorrow... I don't think I'll have my internet back by then. Would you be able to set it up for Tuesday..? I might have it back by then. If so, put me on the list. Can't wait to finally get involved in a playdate!
  5. Hate to be the bringer of bad news, but this is actually just one of a series of promotional videos that a Chinese video game company released to promote their video game: I do love these sorts of videos though, very entertaining and makes you want to research it further.
  6. Sometimes, I just feel like God feels the need to be mean to me.

    1. Is not JL
    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Christians believe that people suffer because God has a plan for them. :)

  7. So this pretty much sums it up. Essentially I've presented the two cities in two Australian regions that I know of most: KEY: Green = Awesome. Red = Imagine your toilet after eating curry, then imagine living in that toilet. Brown = Nobody cares. White = Not even part of Australia.
  8. So AD, I don't actually know you all that well. We haven't spoken much and I barely see you around due to timezones. Nevertheless, you were here since the very beginning - from when I joined last year. I've seen your outstanding moderating skills at work, slapping order into those who break the rules. It hasn't all been the 'mighty wrath of AD' though, as I've seen you being very friendly to members on countless occasions. Indeed, I can only imagine the pressure you're going through. I solute you for your extensive time of service. It's not all bad though, because I bet you'll look good in gold. I'll now end with this:
  9. ZOMG BOSS! You look like Happy from Iron Man! xD But then there's me...
  10. First of all, are you already getting or got an Xbox One/PS4? If not, then I'd highly suggest you get one. Here's what games I'd suggest for both next-gen consoles: -I would NOT suggest Call of Duty: Ghosts. -Battlefield 4. -Assassin's Creed IV. -Dead Rising 3 -Destiny Preorder -Titanfall Preorder -Watch Dogs Preorder I know, I pretty much named every AAA game. Those are what I'd suggest, as they all look awesome. Definite 'must haves' though, include Battlefield 4 and Destiny. Titanfall looks extremely good if you're getting an Xbox One. I simply would NOT suggest Call of Duty: Ghosts. The game is bland, boring and does nothing else differently from the previous titles. Call of Duty is becoming very stale, so I'd suggest you stay away from it while it burns to the ground. The better idea would be to not get it, but instead get a much more quality shooter, such as Battlefield 4. Hope this helps!
  11. A non believer! Stone the non believer! Xbox One master race!
  12. Boss ripped me off $50 and stole all of my clothes within a one week timeframe. Not really, but he did get me a $30+ microphone out of his own wage, even though I earn more than him. The microphone was delivered within 2 weeks, which was awesome. Boss is absolutely amazing, I love you Boss, but I'm not prepared to associate myself within a committed relationship just yet. It's not you, it's me. This is the reason why I wish for the $20 off Boss. Kidding. Are staff allowed to wish? If so, I'd graciously like to ask for Natural Selection 2, that game looks fun. I love you Bnus. Keep looking at this post, as I'll update this with what I'm willing to give away once I find something. Loved this idea from last year, hurray for revival! ~CURRENT STUFF~ -Custom YouTube Logo AND Channel Art -Custom Desktop Background (Any size according to your resolution) -Dawngate Closed Beta Code (New MOBA Game for PC) -See some 'Behind the Scenes' stuff on the Forging The Future Machinima
  13. Here's some gaming mathematics: XBO & PS4 > WiiU XBO = PS4 XBO + Halo > PS4 XBO + Halo = PS4 + Planetside 2 XBO + Halo + Titanfall > PS4 + Planetside 2 + Blacklight: Retribution + Killzone XBO + Dead Rising 3 > PS4 + inFamous: Second Son Battlefield 4 early DLC + CoD: Ghosts early DLC = Destiny early content XBL > PSN XBO = 3 points ahead Wondering why I used Planetside 2 and Blacklight: Retribution as comparisons? Even though they're free games, which is nice, they both include a heap of microtransactions. They both also contain similar elements to Halo Xbox One and Titanfall. However, Halo and Titanfall are outstanding full-priced games. Killzone: Shadow Fall is very mediocre. Although it has nice graphics, the gameplay is very stale and too similar to other games. This evens out with Ryse: Son of Rome's disappointment. Both only really show off the console's graphics capabilities, rather than have unique gameplay. By observing the two, you can see that the graphics are pretty even, so don't fall for the whole 'Playstation 4 has way better graphics than Xbox One'. The maths is based solely on my opinion, but I'm sure you see the logic behind it. For only $100 more (or $20 in Australia), you get a better camera, a better online service and better exclusive games - at least until the end of next year.
  14. I'm interested to know what most of you are hoping to receive at Christmas, or what you know you'll be receiving. Glad the school year is almost over and the holidays is just around the corner, so an early 'Merry Christmas' to everyone on the forums! I'll go ahead and start it off. 1. Money for Xbox One. 2. Xbox One games or money to purchase/preorder them. > Battlefield 4 + Premium > [Preorder] Titanfall > [Preorder] Destiny > [Preorder] Watchdogs? 3. Archery Bow. Just post your wishlist below!
  15. 'stressed' when reversed, spells 'desserts'. Amazing, right? Well, if I said: 'Maybe if you eat desserts when stressed... it might... REVERSE the stress', would this be classified as a pun?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Church


      So....you get your just desserts in the end. :P

    3. Sadly Just AL
    4. Cooliest


      ^ that's a pun. Sparky only knows puns. lol

  16. Azaxx... You are my sunshine, My only sunshine. You are so friendly, Every single daaay. And when I wake up, I see you shouting. Please don't take, My member title awaaay.
  17. I've grown bored of every single one of my games. I used to play a heap of Halo, Assassin's Creed and Battlefield, but now I'm just waiting to get my hands on a next-gen console before I buy any more games. After I get the console, it's fair to say I'll be playing Battlefield 4 or Assassin's Creed IV through until next year. When Destiny comes out, I'll be playing a heap of that up to the release of Titanfall. From there, it'll be mostly Titanfall for my new YouTube channel.
  18. Exams = Finished. Me = Happy. Exams finished + Happiness = Xbox One Time!

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Wait, what? I thought it releases tomorrow.

    2. Is not JL
    3. Azaxx


      Technically he can't play it since he doesn't have the money yet to buy one :P

  19. Are you cereal? I got Halo 4 Limited Edition Tritton Trigger headsets for $70AU. They've lasted me an entire year and haven't shown any faults whatsoever as of yet. They're absolutely amazing. Turtle Beaches on the other hand, are very fragile and break incredibly easily. I wouldn't advise getting them at all. Tritton Triggers are the most sturdy and reliable of all the headsets I've ever owned.
  20. Decided to get an Xbox One instead of a gaming PC... hope I've made the right decision.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      I'm getting an Xbox One next year.

    3. GryffinGuy007


      I'll be waiting until Christmas to get it. By then, all issues should be ironed out, as well as getting some Christmas money to spend on buying/preordering games.

    4. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Well Xbox has Halo...I'm pretty sure that's the right decision. ;)

  21. *is sad because is building gaming PC instead of buying console*

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