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l Lochlan l

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Everything posted by l Lochlan l

  1. the blurb for silentium also states that both didacts are brought in to testify against the master builder. if my memory is correct lol. so both didacts are alive, which will be the one we face in halo 4? good point but i think from a gameplay perspective it wont make much sense for didact to raise a fleet of invincible forerunner ships and destroy everything, chief needs something to fight on the ground so either they will stick with the requiem prometheans or didact will leave and find something else to fight the unsc with. also (speculation) spartan ops is based six or somethin months after halo 4 i dont think the didact if he is still on requiem would allow the unsc to be there that long. sorry for bad spelling playing infection and trying to type hahaha everyone is saying this, has it been confirmed or?
  2. unfortunately i think the mantis and mammoth are the new vehicles. i dont know why 343 wouldnt want to add to the vehicle sandbox
  3. i think the covenant and prometheans fighting together is an interesting twist
  4. just want to talk about the Didact. the Didact as we know doesnt particularly get along with humans and after his reawakening (is this just accepted as general knowledge now or..?) probably wont be happy with the situation around him. but in order to combat the UNSC/ other factions he will need something more then what is on requiem unless it is also some form of death star. so im guessing he will probably leave 3 quarters or more into the game from requiem, to do something forerunnery that wont be in the best interest of humans. how does he plan to combat and retain control of the galaxy? using what? surely he can just mass produce prometheans. on that why would he want to retake the galaxy, the only remaining forerunners arent even in the galaxy, he has no reason to fight really the librarians gone after all. Also the didact obviously goes to war with the UNSC. he knows fully well that the humans are inheritors to the mantle (if we are to believe what the precursor/gravemind/evolved sea scorpion said). he believes in the mantle and as such should be preserving life with the humans. does he plan on taking the mantle somehow? last point. do you think to didact will experience some form of inner struggle (akin to cortana) as he is still in a way bornstellar? do you think bornstellars previously positive interactions with humans may have an effect on whats to come? sorry for any wrong information havent reread the books in ages, but just interested to see some other peoples opinions on these matters and how they may be intergrated into the campaign story-wise. please feel free to voice you're opinion.
  5. on the original halo ce cover, in the upper right hand side behind the forerunner structure it loos like half of ayers rock which is sadly a massive tourist attraction here in australia. just saying.
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