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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Halo 4 is still a ridiculously good game. I miss tons of stuff in reach, but I also that a lot of what they added in halo 4. Yes, I hope they start adding a lot of stuff back in, which im sure they will. I think we all just have to be patient and enjoy what we have and just wait. Now, if we have to wait a long time, then my arguement completely changes and becomes irrelevant lol!
  2. yes, i 100% agree in that the maps are pretty sub par for LARGE forging ideas but they are a lot better for smaller forging, they look a lot nicer and they are more diverse and look nicer. I am hopping they just werent able to release EVERYTHING all at once, ie some gametypes that arent in war games yet.
  3. Doesn't look bad at all! Seems to be like the past couple games. I'm so ready for 3 to come out
  4. I really wish we could move multiple pieces at once, idc how, but that'd make things a lot easier. I also wish there was an undo last move option or something, and a move being each time a piece is grabbed. Anyway, just some random thoughts! Thanks, http://www.youtube.com/zauceindustries
  5. Hey guys, if you like flash games please check out our YouTube channel. We review some flash games that are worth playing, or some new ones that are worth playing ASAP http://www.youtube.com/zauceindustries If you could subscribe, that would be awesome We also have some Halo clips and will be getting into custom game reviews of maps we've made and whatnot. Thanks a lot! And again, subscribing would be much appreciated!
  6. Hey guys, I found this site from THFE's video. I love forums and games, so this works out well I've been a fan of THFE's work so I'm hoping this will help my chances of working with them in some way in the future! Our channel, still in development, more Halo stuff will be coming soon! http://www.youtube.com/zauceindustries Anyway, thanks for reading!
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