If I were to say either, I'd say more like Halo 3, which it does seem to be doing for itself, but it is a separate game so it won't be "like" either: Halo 4 will, no doubt take the good aspects of previous halo titles and combine them to give us a better, more rounded experience. Halo 3 was fantastic and I'd love for halo 4 to have the same "feel" as halo 3, if anyone knows what I mean, it was a rather distinct feeling of fun, epicness and it just felt right, given that some of the team working on this have worked on previous halo titles (I'm assuming 3) I have complete faith in their ability to make it feel right for us. It shouldn't be like halo reach or halo 3: it should take halo a leap in the right direction by playing to its strengths