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Everything posted by Milky

  1. http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/visible-skill-ranking-playlists-for-halo-4.html Sign the petition to get visible skill ranks - 343 will update if enough people sign. We're up 600 signatures already.
  2. http://www.gopetitio...for-halo-4.html Sign the petition comrades! Let's make those capitalist pigs at 343 give the people what they want!
  3. Fail to prepare - prepare to fail! Solidarity, brother! United we stand! ONWARD!!
  4. We, the undersigned, call on 343 Industries to implement a visible skill ranked playlists to the upcoming Halo 4 multiplayer. Call to arms, Comrades! Or to petitions at least! Sign here - http://www.gopetitio...for-halo-4.html
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