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Brute (5/19)



  1. Just wondering, because I play every so often but have noticed the small population when I do.
  2. Hand me a sniper and i will give you a killionare.
  3. If they came to hear me beg. Took one hour of trys and unccountable elite t-bags but achievable.
  4. Zealot. Then snipers on uncaged. You cant see them but they can see you.
  5. Well, i go over and pwn their buts into the ground and t-bag them untill they rage quit.
  6. Ive heard of this... Never happened to me though
  7. NotThatGuy


    Either recon with gold visor or security.
  8. wasnt popular enough. that and anniversary FFA and BTB and Action sack.
  9. no, i like the old fashioned way. tired of hearing: doublekilltriplekilloverkillkillinggameoverspree
  10. I will definitly play halo 4 the day it comes out, as i have already preordered it (mods don't think this is my only gamertag!!!), but i will still play reach.
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