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Nym 146

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  • Location
    Stoke-on-Trent, England
  • Interests
    Playing Halo and Battlefield 3 with my Clan.

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  • Gamertag
    Nym 146

Nym 146's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. This problem is new to Halo 4. The Building blocks in Reach were solid cubes and cuboids.
  2. Meh, atleast no action is required from myself since the monies, time and effort for making the website came from my household.
  3. Well colour me blind but I don't see it. Well that must be a law in your state only then because I have Clan mates all over the USA and they tell me different.
  4. Well I'm pretty sure the laws states that a minor cannot purchase these games and it is illegal to purchase them for a minor. So what is your new name?
  5. Well that's fair enough then. And yes, age does have something to do with gaming, games have an age restriction and the Halo community would be such a better place if it was adhered to. I will bring this news before the voting council to determine what action must be taken. Although I have to say that we are clearly more dedicated then you guys.
  6. So put simply, you have no eveidence to support the claim that we 'copied you'. Just somethings I wanted to point out, 1. I didn't claim that you guys copied us just pointed out the names. 2. The 'Leader' of the Clan is not old enough to legally play Halo. 3. We are more than just a Halo Clan, we play other games too. 4. We have a website which cost time, money and effort to set up.
  7. Would you be able to provide evidence of this? We are called The High Council as a Cannabis based Joke, the active ingredient in Cannabis being THC. Our Clan has no ranking system because a ranking system is not required in order to have fun Odd that I have never seen you guys on Waypoint or anywhere else for that matter.
  8. Forgers should check this site out. I joined and find it very interesting to go look at other peoples creations and hopefully steal an idea of two
  9. Another thing people should consider is their recruitment message. I have been in two clans and done most of the recruitment for both and the one thing I see alot of is a HUGEWALLOFTEXT.JPG This puts people off. Just put the key points people should know, the rest they can be told once you have their attention.
  10. I hate to tell you this buddy but their is already a Clan called The High Council and I am the leader of said Clan...
  11. We are The High Council. We are a clan born off the back of a rebellion that resulted in exodus. We have very few specific rules in order for you to join. 1: You MUST have a working Mic 2:You MUST be 16+ 3:No T-Bagging allowed 4:No Intentional Betrayals 5:No Intentional Yoinking We currently have 10 members and are VERY active. Playing Halo Reach every day. If you are interested then please contact us on our website: www.thehighcouncilclan.webs.com Alternatively you can contact us on xBox Live with the following Gamer Tags: Bobo Giraffe (Voting Council Member) BTK420247 (Voting Council Member) jesse7456 (Voting Council Member) Nym 146 (Voting Council Member) o iReFuZeD v (Voting Council Member) PandaPrecision (Voting Council Member)
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