Hello fellow Halo gamers I'm here to tell you about SEC. We are a all Halo clan and are looking for Recruits. I'm going to give you the rundown on the rules.
1. You have to be cool.
2. You have to be at least 13 or be mature.
3. No yoinking or betrayal.
4. Have skill or potential.
1. You have to own Halo Reach and going to own Halo 4 when its out.
2. You have to be able to attend most meetings.
4. Have to be respectful to your superiors and fellow SEC members.
5. Minimal Cussing.
6. You have to have a mic. (there may be exceptions)
1. SEC Grandmaster (leader SEC Phoenix)
2. SEC High Chancellor (Second in command SEC Archangel)
3. SEC Chancellor
4. SEC Sentinel (Guards Chancellors)
5. SEC Legend
6. SEC Inheritor
7. SEC Forerunner
8. SEC Reclaimer
9. SEC Field Marshal
10. SEC General
11. SEC Brigadier
12. SEC Commander
13. SEC Major
14. SEC Soldier
15. SEC Minor
16. SEC Initiate
"Live United, fighting for Honor, Pride, and Loyalty! We are a family! WE ARE SEC!
You can contact use through Xbox live (Gamertags "SEC Archangel" and "SEC Phoenix") or you can send a PM. You can also just leave a comment. Tryouts will be held on Weekends.
Facebook page:
Clan Statuses with SEC:
Fleet of Righteous Jurisdiction: Neutral.