Play alot of Swat. Aim for the head. And this works for me might for you, if you both shooting at eachother walk the other direction of where they're walking and it throws them off a bit and if your accurate they die.
I like emotion in games the ending of Reach made me sad and angry so I fought for 2 hours straight before I relised that you had to die.
And I would like it if in maybe Halo 6 the Master Chief is fighting a huge enemy of tough enemy at the end and in the Cutscene Master Chief gets hit in his head and the helmet shatters just showing half his face like his eyes then he goes Godmod and Utterly Destroys the boss.
*looks at post above him and face-palms* I just hope it makes sense or you play as another Master Chief and half way through the campaign he meets Arbiter and then you play as him.
Doormat and I think you know why.
Would you rather be immortal(You live forever, but can still die from diseases, stab, or shot) or Invincible (Live for a normal life time but can't die)