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Hellbringer 241

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Posts posted by Hellbringer 241

  1. Well that could have been the case until we saw orange promethean knights in some of the latest footage and it was night out lol

    But It's a sheild world, on the inside it has a sun. Which means there would be nothing on the inside to block the light and declare nightfall as the shield world orbits around the sun. Wouldn't it always be daytime?

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  2. I have never read one halo book, but I do think that, TECH and The Director have very valid points and that the flood add a hell of a lot more combat dynamic into the game, with the fact that they come back after being killed intitially and that they are essentially the "backbone" of the halo series, being the real threat and the reason for the Halo array and lets not forget the fear factor they add, But I think that for the most part, bungie did a really great job slipping them into the halo series and that they're a very unique "zombie" type enemy.

  3. My first reaction was at a friends house, he had this grin on his face when he said, "Go into that room." We were playing at night as well. My heart was almost beating out of my chest and my cursor was moving faster than I could think. Lol.

  4. It depends on the scenario, if it was a straight up tank battle the scorpion would win, but if the wraith was behind a small hill or a wall or something big enough to conceal the whole vehicle but allow wraith mortar shots to travel through, the wraith would win. They both have strategic values.


    Although I prefer the scorpion personally. I've never really been a fan of anything covenant.

  5. I think it's a little wierd how the orange prometheans are working along side the storm covenant and the blue prometheans are fighting them. I originally thought that the orange prometheans were corrupted or something, but they might be different promethean factions. If anyone can answer this please respond.

  6. I have always wanted to pilot a UNSC pelican gunship, or even just a pelican dropship, and I did in halo reach but it was complicated and took at least an hour to get. I agree that it would be an amazing feature for forge, wargames and custom games. If it were to be put in it would have to be balanced like, a gunner to operate the main gun and a pilot to maneuver and control the aircraft. At least 3-4 rockets to take down or something like that. Dropping troops and vehicles into battle would be awesome! I hope it'll be a suprise or something, but I doubt it will be put into the game for a player to use. Sorry for the long post.

  7. Pretty cool idea, it would add some more dynamic into the game, although switching from driver to passenger/gunner in reach isn't too hard, it's just annoying. But yes, I think that would be a good idea for land vehicles, it just would be appropriate for a gunner to switch to a pilot, or the other way around.

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  8. I would say that the prometheans are corrupted, as they are under control of the dialect, the commander of the forerunner military. The original dialect symbol is blue and as seen in the end of the gameplay trailer for campaign, his symbol is red/orange meaning he is corrupt, and being the commander of the forerunner military, the prometheans are under his control as the prometheans are a variant of the forerunners. This could be the case of the prometheans being hostile. This is just a theory though.

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