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Garr Iakanee

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Posts posted by Garr Iakanee

  1. The Fleet of Vindication is looking for recruits. We are a Sangheili base clan located on Halo Reach. We have about 30 members at the moment. We do match making daily. We have a very strict Sangheili ranking system.

    Example of ranking system:

    Infantry Battalion


    Minor                                      [blue, Steel]                (Minor Armor)

    Minor Vet                                [Cobalt, Steel]             (Minor Armor)

    Major                                      [Maroon, Steel]           (Minor or Officer Armor)

    Major Vet {1}                          [brick, Steel]               (Minor or Officer Armor)

    Field officer {2}                      [Rust, Steel]                (Minor or Officer Armor)

    Ultra {3}                                  [White, Silver]             (Ultra Armor)

    General {4}                            [Yellow, Yellow]            (General Armor)




    -Must be active at least 2-3 times a week.

    -Must be 13 years or older

    -Must have a mic.

    -Must be able to listen to orders.

    -Must be able to wear our uniform and our emblem

    -Must be able to be active on weekends







       -We do internal clan tournaments, (there will be prizes)

       -We have promotion ceremonies.

       -We offer a fun relaxed but competitive time while playing matchmaking.

       -We hold forging contest

       -We do clan training sessions

       -We also do individual training as well

       -Last thing we offer is a website for the clan.





    If you would like to join message any of the following people below and we will set you up:


    -Garr Iakanee

    -Vito Iakanee


    Thank you,

    ~Garr Iakanee

  2.           The Fleet of Vindication is looking for recruits. We are a Sangheili base clan located on Halo Reach. We are also in the Covenant led by Kerzon (Imperial Admiral of the BTF) and Apex (Imperial Admiral of the Sangheili Eminence.) We have about 10-15 members at the moment. We do match making daily. We have a very strict Sangheili ranking system. Since we have returned we have not been able to do any clan battles.


    Example of ranking system:


    Infantry Battalion


    Minor                                       [blue, Steel]                (Minor Armor)

    Minor Vet                                 [Cobalt, Steel]             (Minor Armor)

    Major                                       [Maroon, Steel]           (Minor or Officer Armor)

    Major Vet {1}                           [brick, Steel]                (Minor or Officer Armor)

    Field officer {2}                        [Rust, Steel]                (Minor or Officer Armor)

    Ultra {3}                                   [White, Silver]              (Ultra Armor)

    General {4}                              [Yellow, Yellow]            (General Armor)




    -Must be active at least 2-3 times a week.


    -Must be 13 years or older


    -Must have a mic.


    -Must be able to listen to orders.


    -Must be able to wear our uniform and our emblem


    -Must be able to be active on weekends








       -We do internal clan tournaments, (there will be prizes)


       -We have promotion ceremonies.


       -We offer a fun relaxed but competitive time while playing matchmaking.


       -We hold forging contest


       -We do clan training sessions


       -We also do individual training as well


       -Last thing we offer is a website for the clan.





    If you would like to join message any of the following people below and we will set you up:


    -Garr Iakanee


    -Vito Iakanee


    Thank you,


    ~ Garr Iakanee



  3. Hello, the Fleet of Vindication is challenging anyone out there who still runs a clan on Reach. We would like to do an 8v8 or 6v6 Clan battle. We do raids as well. I would host it, I would pick a Bungie made map then you would pick the other. We only use TU BTB Slayer unless it's a raid. It would be best 2/3 games as well. If you wish to do a Clan battle or a raid against us or us raid you, just message me @ Garr Iakanee on XBL or visit my website and request a battle:





    Thank you,


  4. Bring back Sangheili. Its sad but more people have gone back to Reach because there are Sangheili. We are an entire community that consist of well over 3,000-4,000 people. I know I would certainty but Halo 5 if Sangheili were confirmed to be in there, as playable avatar (What Bungie did in Reach). Plus I run a Sangheili clan that consist of 40-50 members and if Sangheili were in Halo 5 I would transfer my fleet to Halo 5 instead of Destiny. Also you should really fix the Banshee and the Wraith they are completely different from the ones in previous Halo's. 343 your a good company and you care about the community, well at least I want to believe that you do, so listen to us and bring back the things we love most. Stop trying to bring the COD community in as well because those are really the only people who play Halo 4. All the true original Halo Vets. agree that you screwed up on Halo 4. Halo 3 was pretty much the biggest Halo game of them all; cough cough there were not many COD players, there were on Halo players. If you want to be more successful with Halo listen to the players that have experience with Halo, not the retards who joined the Halo community with Halo 4.



    Thank you,

    ~Garr Iakanee

    • Like 1
  5. The Fleet of Vindication is looking for recruits. We are a Sangheili base clan located on Halo Reach. We have also just joined the Covenant led by Kerzon (Imperial Admiral of the BTF) and Apex (Imperial Admiral of the Sangheili Eminence.) We have about 35-40 members at the moment. We do match making daily. We have a very strict Sangheili ranking system. We are also 10-0 in clan battles, and 12-0 in Raids.


    Example of ranking system:

    Infantry Battalion


    Minor [blue, Steel] (Minor Armor)

    Minor Vet [Cobalt, Steel] (Minor Armor)

    Major [Maroon, Steel] (Minor or Officer Armor)

    Major Vet {1} [brick, Steel] (Minor or Officer Armor)

    Field officer {2} [Rust, Steel] (Minor or Officer Armor)

    Ultra {3} [White, Silver] (Ultra Armor)

    General {4} [Yellow, Yellow] (General Armor)



    -Must be active at least 2-3 times a week.

    -Must be 13 years or older

    -Must have a mic.

    -Must be able to listen to orders.

    -Must be able to wear our uniform and our emblem

    -Must be able to be active on weekends




    We do 8v8 or 6v6 clan battles on Reach. We will accept most requests. We will also do any raids. We do clan battles on Bungie made maps only (Spire, Boneyard, ect...) and on the TU BTB Slayer game type.



    -We do internal clan tournaments, (there will be prizes)

    -We have promotion ceremonies.

    -We offer a fun relaxed but competitive time while playing matchmaking.

    -We hold forging contest

    -We do clan training sessions

    -We also do individual training as well

    -Last thing we offer is a website for the clan.





    If you would like to join message any of the following people below and we will set you up:


    -Garr Iakanee

    -Riuzu Iakanee

    -Vito Iakanee

    -WhippE Chip 007


    Thank you,

    ~Garr Iakanee

  6. I know many true halo vets that only play MLG. Their k/d's are all 2.5-3.0! Sorry but your 3.61 isn't legit! Your sir boost daily! LoL! I know many would agree! I have a member in my clan that is amazing at every halo and his k/d is 2.03! What's your gamer tag? I know some simple steps I can take through waypoint to see if you're legit! If you are I will give you credit! I have a feeling you can't support your outrageous claim!


    You said Veer boosted? Have you looked at your Halo 4 stats? 27.00 k/d in Regicide. Ohhhh noooo sir I don't boost, with you 69% win/loss ratio. That clearly shows you boosted. Your member is amazing at halo with a 2.03 k/d "Oh dear I'm certainty scared of him." Who cares i know Inheritors that won't touch a vehicle that have 8.00 k/d. So before you go bragging about some pathetic member of yours look around you. Also before you go trash talking someone saying that they boost for their k/d why don't you stop boosting yourself.

  7. Aren't you supposed to be at school or something? Didn't u say you are 15? Little kid grow some then we can talk. So pathetic you have to get your friends to help you out in an argument. Notice I'm the only one here from my side. Typical noob trash!

    Veer is not a friend of mine. Veer is simply a person who has almost the exact same opinion. Plus we work together on bringing people back to Reach. I don't need to grow up. I'm probably more mature then you are. Who cares how old I am. Also notice how you change the subject from how Halo 4 is bad to my personal life??? I'm totally the one that needs to grow up here. The reason why you are by yourself is because no one agrees with you idiotic statements. Plus I'm not the one calling people noobs now am I? I think not. If you think I'm a little kid you're wrong. I probably have done more things in the 15 years I have been alive then you have done in your entire life. So before you tell me to grow some or reference my personal life. Why don't you mature first.

    • Like 1
  8. It truly amazes me how you use the term "coward"! You are the one that wishes to go back to reach due to the fact you can't adapt to a new environment. Honestly you think it's an accomplishment to boast about you beating me on an old game. Hey here's and idea, lets play super Mario bros! Your gamer tag speaks loud and clear... "incompetent"! Also I would like to say my clan is very successful! We all carry a very high k/d! My members respect and follow me for a reason. Even if what you say about noobs getting power weapons and vehicles on 4 is true, it still takes accuracy , teamwork, persistence, and most all skill to perceiver! Welcome to your wake up call noob!

    Wow you are truly pathetic. Halo 4 was made for single gamers. They purposely added ordnance drops and locked emblems so clans couldn't function. There is like 90% aim assist in Halo 4 where as the is like 70% in Reach. We did adapt to Halo 4 when it first came out. We all tried it. But then we realized it was the worst Halo ever made. 343 is trying to do their best but the don't care about the players, they only care about the money. You say welcome up to your wake up call???? You should be the on waking up. You don't understand that the reason Bungie didn't help with Halo 4 is because they knew stuff like this would be happening. Halo 4 is truly a crap game. If your clan had any skill what so ever you would transfer back to Halo Reach. Erdu Cololee, Imperial Admiral of the S.G. the most recognized person in the Sangheili community even came back to reach a couple of weeks ago. BTF another amazing Fleet in Halo history came back to Halo Reach. FORJ Imperial Admiral Nuclear Oasis, came back to Reach. Why do you still see Inheritor lobbies on Reach if Halo 4 is so amazing, because most of them have been here since the begging of Halo multiplayer  and they even agree Halo 4 is trash. So here is YOUR wake up call.

  9. I'm looking to do an 6v6 or an 8v8 clan battle on Halo Reach.

    I would host it, but you pick the date and time (I must know in advance).


    We do Bungie maps only, unless it is a raid.

    We only use the TU BTB Slayer game type.


    If you have any questions you can message me at Garr Iakanee on xbox live or you could post a date and time in my clan battle forum on my website.




    Thank you,



  10. The Fleet of Vindication is looking for recruits. We are a Sangheili base clan located on Halo Reach. We have about 20-25 members at the moment. We do match making daily. We have a very strict Sangeili ranking system.

    -Must be active at least 2-3 times a week.
    -Must be 13 years or older
    -Must have a mic.
    -Must be able to listen to orders.
    -Must be able to wear our uniform and our emblem
    -Must be able to be active on weekends

    We do 8v8 or 6v6 clan battles on Reach. We will accept most request. We will also do any raids. We do clan battles on Bungie made maps only (Spire, Boneyard, ect...) and on the TU BTB Slayer game type.

    -We do internal clan tournaments, (there will be prizes)
    -We have promotion ceremonies.
    -We offer a fun relaxed but competitive time while playing matchmaking.
    -We also hold forging contest
    -Last thing we offer is a website for the clan.

    If you would like to join message any of the following people below through xbox live and we will set you up:

    -Garr Iakanee
    -Riuzu Iakanee
    -xThat Landshark
    -WhippE Chip 007

    If not able to message any of us through xbox live, you can enlist on the Fleets website:



    Thank you for your time.


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