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Justin -BOSS NASTi- Silva

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Castro Valley, CA
  • Interests
    Esports Field Reporter for 343i.org | Professional Gaming Coach, Player, & Commentator.

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Justin -BOSS NASTi- Silva's Achievements


Jackal (2/19)



  1. Been waiting for this for a while. There are rumors going on of the possibility, yet nothing official thus far.
  2. Hey guys my name is Justin "BOSS NASTi" Silva[Professional Gaming Coach, Player & Commentator] & I'd like to first thank 343industries.orgs "Absolute Dog" & "Twam" for hooking me up with a Press Pass to bring you guys all this awesome footage from MLG Dallas. This was a great collaboration & I hope you all enjoy this video & more to come out each day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ciooq2WqBfE&feature=plcp
  3. You can apply for the team house opportunity I'm doing. You can also hmu for more info via skype: bossnasti
  4. Hi, my name is Justin "BOSS NASTi" Silva & I'm a Professional Gaming Coach, Player, & Commentator. For those that are unaware "OutPlayedYou" my organization/team will be utilizing a Home coming this November(projected move in) in Santa Cruz, CA for at least 6-12 months as a Training Facility to develop from an amateur team into a professional one with an additional goal to make a living gaming. The Team House will be live streamed 7 days a week for at least 8 hours each day. The purpose of this will be to create a learning experience for our viewers, showing them how a team practices, trains, communicates, strategizes, & comes up from nothing into something. This opportunity will be to show that any amateur team can turn into a professional one & can make a living gaming with proper training, guidance, & of course determination. Video Showing Team House Here
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