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Everything posted by BearClawsKiller

  1. Your seriously talking about a rock structure!
  2. It's not really the magnets. Its just some of the simply the magnet system is messed up. Just messed up.
  3. You amaze me with your knowledge. Yea but your right. The Flood are all one; united as a pack. While we struggle to survive against one another.
  4. I think it was just for aesthetics.
  5. Yea I know what you mean. It's usually only because of poor connection and lag though. There's some things you can't do anything about.
  6. If this is a clan recruitment you should put it in the Clan Recruiting forum.
  7. Ha funny ummm I can't say anything cause I always forget their names. But dude nice choice!
  8. I don't. ONI is the government, the government is evil. They'll find you, all of you.
  9. I think he will make a return in the future. As like a dead zombie foreunner. I mean he's like a monster right? Plus he never really got the full "spotlight"
  10. Wow impressive. I'm not even close to mastering all of them. Props to whoever can do it legitly.
  11. You have to build an exact replica of your head. Then make the head into your base. That's what I always do with friends. And if you don't like it then TNT it skyhigh.
  12. Man I really miss some features about Forge! Like precision editing! Now I have to use Coordinates! And also the zoom ability while in Forge mode. I know it's not much but at least I could view things from afar! It's sooo sad to see some of these features gone! What do you miss?
  13. I just finished reading all the Halo books in the series. Man those books are big. I personally loved all those books. Thought it had a great story to it, and portrayed some things you didn't see in the games. Although I did feel some authors wrote a better story than others they were still enjoyable. What did you guys think about the books? Is there going to be any other books in the Halo series?
  14. Which group do you play as? UNSC or Covenant? Which leader do you play as? UNSC : Captain Cutters or Sergeant Forge or Professor Anders? Covenant : The Prophet of Regret or Brute Chieftain or The Arbiter? Like the game? What is your overall favorite unit to deploy?
  15. Yea true. But when your the UNSC you can really get toasted if the enemy rushes you with aircraft.
  16. Ha it's all about rushing the enemy with the most amount of troops ever!
  17. IF there was a first person view that would make gameplay insane.
  18. Favorite system huh?... well I always liked the Playstation but then again I always liked the nintendo at a young age. I'm just gonna say Xbox 360 because that's all I play these days.
  19. Congratz Church! Ha now I can insult you about being lightish red!
  20. No I can't imagine that! That's just stupid. It's like the pistol in Calbela, the magnum has a scope!
  21. Lol I know! It's nuts. Its fun, hilarious, but sometimes it's just insane.
  22. Congrats to the Winners! I only the 2 of them! I was way to lazy to even try.
  23. Yea I kinda agree with that guy. For me at least, I like songs that have some rhyme to it. The lyrics are good, don't get me wrong, but I just like some rhyme in songs. Just so it's catchy.
  24. Of course Chief always offers a great storyline, but entering in new characters is always great.
  25. You have no idea how many times I lost that way....
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