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Everything posted by BearClawsKiller

  1. oh well that stinks... maybe they'll implement it into the Campaign of some Halo title...
  2. Haha I was wondering when Element of Victory would be da MoM. Well congrats on being lightish red!...or pink...
  3. Well goodbye Mr. Frankenzer... a break will do you well... I hope you return... I can always remember the funniest thing you ever said... "oh talk to (*someone) about dem getting those legs, he needs them after that terrible bear attack.." oh good times...
  4. I think it said somewhere in a book maybe that a transport ship got him off somewhere...
  5. WEll uh good ideas... most of them people have already said... and yea
  6. Well this is interesting but kinda of a weird way to start a Halo game...
  7. Of course! But she kinda died... or rather got a nasty hack problem sooo I think she's gone...
  8. ummm that would take forever to finish all those various campaigns... but cool..
  9. OH he probably will seeing as the Spartan Ops ending like that...
  10. I think this will just be hilarious in a Halo game to see this!
  11. uhhh no I have not... in fact I never heard of these...
  12. Omgosh GOin back to the Halo Wars days! I would love to be able to join if theres even room... hit me up if you can!
  13. hmmm haven't noticed these yet on matchmakin.... better go check it out for myself... although I think you were just unlucky..
  14. Ha yea it would be kinda cool... but eh ya just gotta deal with the little things they give ya...
  15. Omgosh your right... ohhh the hardships of a video gaming life... #1 goal * obtain all items in game!
  16. Ok now your just going insane! Next you'll have like Mantis brawl fiesta...
  17. OHhh must be some hackers! hehe you saw them LAST NIGHT hehee
  18. I can believe you on some of these ideas but at the same time not really... I love how if you suck... you can still get a chance to get ordinance... but yet it feels if your beast modeing it you SHOULD be rewarded.. soo I'm not sure...
  19. Well you got some nice ideas I'll say that... although shouldn't this be under the "Halo 5" category?
  20. You have no idea how many people want fixes like this... actually the amount of people that want fixes to just these 2 subjects are unbelievable.. we the community can only hope 343 finds some way to add these and or fix them..
  21. OK well 343 doesn't read this first... and second remakes are awesome..
  22. Well you make some points but still they can't just implement everything in so easily.... yea adjustments could be made... but you gotta like change it up so it's not the same... and as for new ideas like that... it's kinda awkward and strange to add and I'm sure difficult to implement.
  23. Well I mean the Mantis is kinda a cool edition to the Halo series...
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