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Everything posted by Ember132

  1. Yes that was cool in reach i had like 10 maps sort of like that but it would be cool if they had a map like forge world
  2. Lots of campaign and little mm until its done and ill do spartan ops in between somewhere
  3. Ya how funny was it when he had no shields and he hid from the knight by walking around the rock until the shields went up
  4. That thing would be boss in mm i can it being able to flip out of they way like banshees missing tank shells! Imagine THAT!
  5. O god please dont make him the enemy. If he is ill let him kill me
  6. True that but it still sucks for others
  7. They seem to have balanced the gameplay. Close maps big maps vehicle maps non vehicle maps they got it all!
  8. holy crap making those warthogs fly and do flips was awesome
  9. You can assassinate with a gravity hammer right. I think u can i dont know but ii will never go near a flag again CooliestRap
  10. Ember132

    The SAW

    Ya it looks like you could even get some long kills to.
  11. Ya its seems like it would be lower scoring than in reach wheere people got 50 kill games and stuff
  12. Yes we do but the game is done so we cant unless they change it into this without telling us before it was finished which i doubt
  13. the AR meaning assault rifle? and u only listed covenent weapons
  14. Ember132

    The SAW

    It does look sick and there was an ok amount of gameplay, but i wanted to know a little more and i would love to use that thing!
  15. Ok thanks i just havent seem them as one of the big thiings coming up so i didnt know much on them
  16. Ya they did and thnk god were keeping the numbers up
  17. I thought the madden assassinatiion was the best and thought it would be awesome to jump of a builiding with someone not trying to land of someone.
  18. There hasnt been much gameplay if it or the incineration cannon.
  19. Most of them atleast. I agree with killerdude on the no killcams.
  20. I think the DMR isnt as good as it was in reach and is being shadowed by the BR
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