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Everything posted by Ember132

  1. One thing im sort of pissed about it that you cant pre order LE anymore already.
  2. I have heard nothing about these 2 things. I need to know more about them give me your thoughts and knowledge on them.
  3. Ember132

    The SAW

    I feel the gun is awesome but not much gameplay is shown on it. What are your thoughts about it.
  4. Yes or so we think. If you find out your no good with the saw and bosses come in and own u then it might not be your favorite.
  5. Yes and they could be other types of prometheans that come out in the night. But your theory does make a lot of sense to me.
  6. Thats what i thought but of course there is that othher disc that could have more gameplay or something but i hardly see why it would be worth 100 bucks.
  7. Yes i fell if anything im no good with cloth guns unless you count the shotgun and others but anyone could be good with those. Im better at mid or father.
  8. If you havent already reaalized this the new remake is valhalla and its new name is ragnarak. Its from halo 3 and u never played that so you wouldnt know it.
  9. im waiting for this campaign to happen but im hoping they fix cortana and quick too!
  10. Ya it would be good and i hope they do have something like that but it seems like they wont. The game is done and so far i see that every character has different armor/skin/colors
  11. I guess that could be right and also could you stop the watcher from resurrecting it if you distract it with a grenade or shot it a few times without killing it and what would happen if it was half regenerated?
  12. woops will it be in most maps or just like one or two.
  13. Wow. Boltshots a beast storm sucks, and the i agree with how the shotgun doesnt look right but what shocked me was thhe fuelrod roosterteethfan! How can u hate that thing!
  14. Yes there will be more spawning and all but i feel i would get sort of pissed if i see a grenade go up to it and start walking over it to pick it up and it wont let me. Yes halo is changing and getting better but i dont see a reason to not let us pick up grenades unless we put on perk when we could get much better perks to put on.
  15. Ember132

    flood gametype

    it seems that the flood players are slightly overpowered. Of course we have a shotgun and all but there jumping abilities and the fact they have armor abilities and other things makes it seem hard to kill them.
  16. 1. Holy crap i thought about prometheans vs flood vs covenent vs unsc and thought it would be amazing. 2. I wish we were on a halo rink still. The games called halo and this one has nothing to do with halo at all.
  17. yes i really like the new grenade sounds. Although when you throw a sticky there isnt much difference between it and the frag grenade.
  18. ya cant wait to be driving the sucker but will it be in certain gametypes or just like 1 or 2?
  19. nothing but the fact that they were made stronger than the weakest one is stronger than an elite.
  20. well its hard to choose but if we get them from amazon we wont be able to have the experience of the mid night release im going to gamestop.
  21. ya but hardly on your personal load outs because anyone could have them so not really how you said gives personality to your loadouts and i got the green gem!
  22. There are a bunch of weapons but to me they all seem awesome to me. cant seem to pick one thats bad.
  23. ya but the weapons arent that good and what do you mean by it adds personality to your loadouts.
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