Game types-Team slayer, FFA, Multiteam, CTF, Assault, Stockpile, Oddball, Territories, KOTH, Headhunter.
Recommendations- 8-10 players for -FFA,Team Slayer, CTF, Assault, Territories, Stockpile
Discription- This is a Slayer+Objective map made in the Quarry area of Forge World. The aesthetical feel to the map makes you feel like your at a forerunner power plant of any kind, hence the name "Reactor". 4v4 or 5v5 is best played on this map for the CQC and long range combat on the map. As far as objectives, CTF and Assault are best played on this map, again with 4v4 or 5v5. Weapon placement is quite balance and very good. no team is over powered at all unless they are lucky to obtain all power weapons. The map is ofcourse completely symmetrical, other than the occasional terrain. I hope you all enjoy this map and have blast....... literally.
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