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Everything posted by Cry0G3n1c

  1. I return again!! 2 months later since last post. How is everyone?

  2. Wow its been 10 months since i was last on here. :o I see all the ones i knew have left too.

  3. Sup bro. How you been?

    1. ZΞRΘ


      Hey bro, I haven't been on in a longgg time. Just came in to check on everything, hooked the Account up to FB, shoot me a message and let me know how you've been.

    2. Cry0G3n1c


      Sup bro. Haven't spoken you in FOREVER lol. How you been?

  4. Wow its been like 8 months since i was last on here. Let alone play halo 4. Whats up with everyone?

  5. Congrats Zelda. I knew you would one day
  6. by the way u just hit your 343 post and see im a role play type of gamer. one thing i hate about flood is that EVERYONE IS YELLOW. so basically whats the point customizing your spartan then, if you cant show him off.
  7. i like your thread. cause i agree with most. but you forgot flood. flood is effed up as well. but i agree most with the Join in game feature.
  8. ok cool. if u want it to last. dont add alot of members, and keep things simple yet neat and organized. more then 10 usually falls apart from what i seen. thats why i only allow 7 max in my team
  9. this should go into the clan section of the forums. not the general discussion
  10. "If you love someone, be brave enough to tell them, otherwise be brave enough to watch them be loved by someone else"

  11. Mw2 was my only fav CoD. after that. it all sucked.
  12. games gonna suck anyways. MW3 was so disappointing
  13. yup no problem. you seem cool so i wanna make sure u get good tips before proceeding with your clan or team
  14. thanks. needed this for my team
  15. lol i will need to try this. thanks
  16. 'Dealing with the backstabbers, there was one thing i learned. They're only powerful when you got your back turned"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cry0G3n1c


      no the quote above is just a random quote of the day. I'm neutral with his clan

    3. GermanShepherdD
    4. Azaxx
  17. lol think before u do, i highly recommend u make a team instead, cause clans are dying out now. Teams are easier to manage too. Thats what i have
  18. it is. i feel good being on here and you will too. There many nice people on here. You have your occasional troll or spambot but other then that its fun
  19. Hello welcome to the forums. I can add you. im 19 and respectful and not annoying
  20. Gonna miss ya bro. You did a lot for this forum, with all the news and tips for everyone. Hope you live a good life outside of here. We are gonna miss you lots. Take care and God bless. "It's Sad, But Sometimes, Moving On With The Rest Of Your Life Starts With A Single Goodbye"
  21. lololol my old clan was close to that name. it was AssassiNation
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