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Everything posted by Cry0G3n1c

  1. im getting BO2, but halo will always be my favorite game ever. No game can out play halo.
  2. i know you get the forest gaming skin from gamestop. but whats the helmet?
  3. personally id think that would be so cool. with the weapons looking cool. so would armor
  4. i hope that going afk, you do NOT receive XP. cause thats totally bull crap. that made me mad in reach. 2,000 credits for each afk. so dumb
  5. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay.
  6. Cry0G3n1c


    Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay.
  7. personally i recruit from double team. it does take longer, but its easier for you to see if the person u played with or played against is good enough. it shows skill cause unlike BTB u have to actually play good to win.
  8. i sent u a message XGN. and ok NZ ill send you a friend request on xbox now. we have an old meeting room we can discuss at
  9. Id be Arbiter cause he was smart enough to know what the prophets were up to and knew the great journey was bad. plus he helped John
  10. Finally got Lucky 7 Assassins up and running. Now to find some members :P

    1. Loser


      i would join but the OBK got to me first

    2. Cry0G3n1c


      lol its ok. :) glad to know ypu would have joined. Would have made u a high rank for joining first :)

  11. Im the leader of Lucky 7 Assassins. We are a gaming team of 7. Do you take alliances?
  12. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay.
  13. wish i could. my mac wont let me copy and paste the pic just shows the url
  14. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay
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