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Everything posted by Cry0G3n1c

  1. yea. but its cool i just recruited 1 today. and he may have a friend. so we only have 2 space open left
  2. its going well. just got a new recruit today but no one looks at this topic
  3. Very impressive. I liked The Flood one most. Keep up the good work.
  4. If its as good as the lego ones sure. But my mega bloc warthog sucks. it falls apart cheap legos
  5. "A Tongue Has No Bones But It Is Strong Enough To Break A Heart, Be Careful With Your Words"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cry0G3n1c


      ^^ Good explanation

    3. Zaguroth


      ._. what happened to your "good point" lol... I know what a tongue does xD

    4. Fire


      It's saying how a tongue is weak and has no bones, but words it can make can break someone's heart.

  6. im the leader of Lucky 7 Killers. we are not so much a clan, but a team. and if your competitive then you will fit perfect. we allow only 7 members hence making it a team. message me if interested of check out our webpage GT: l Cry0gen1c l Webpage: Lucky 7 Killers - Home
  7. yea your better off. since now the word is out that u want to. trolls will offer you crap for good codes
  8. be careful when trading. if u give a code and they give u a faulty one, well idk what to tell ya
  9. I freaking love AC3. its the best up to date. it plays so realistic and helps me learn alot about the American Revolution. and the new assassin; Connor is so badass :D

  10. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay.
  11. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay
  12. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay
  13. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay
  14. congrats on making it here. keep making us proud
  15. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay.
  16. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay. If you have questions, ask anyone.
  17. only getting BO2 for the campaign and couple matches. but sometimes i think if its not even worth it
  18. Probably not till Halo 5 or 6 comes out
  19. ok cool. ill add you to my website. Also my gamertag wil be changed today, but ill let you know what it is later Also please explain a bit more about this Beta that I'm are allies with. And whos the leader
  20. Finally paid off my H4 LE and my cousins SE.

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