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Jackal (2/19)



  1. When is basic and advanced training gonna start?
  2. Oh I gotcha. Thanks! I feel dumb for not noticing thats the story.
  3. 343 said that multiplayer will tell the story on why reds and blues are fighting. Are they still gonna do that? I haven't heard anything about it since it was announced.
  4. austinbnr

    a suggestion

    Since halo 4 has loadouts, vehicle won't be a problem at all since most people with spawn themselves with a plasma pistol and plasma grenades.
  5. I saw that, Im so excited. Also at 4:12, is master chief gunning the mammoth. 7:32 is more pelican gameplay.
  6. I wasn't fighting, I was pointing out some things about community clans.
  7. I remember the fun halo days. Im definitely in. I'll send you friend request and message.
  8. OMG 15,000 MEMBRS?? HOLEY CRAP! AND PRISES TWO?!?!?!?! Get a life, no one cares about your lame ass 15,000 member clan and your "tournaments with prizes" lmao What makes me laugh more than 6 member clans starting wars is these community clans bragging about how awesome they are because of their numbers.
  9. Good id rather be squad leader, that way ill have less members to train and more time to focus on each individual member in my squad. Btw hit me up anytime if you need help gettin the clan ready for halo 4 and I could do whatever you need or give you ideas. Oh and I forgot to ask, can I chose my own co leader for my squad? I was hoping my friend would be able to since we work well with eachother.
  10. http://www.343industries.org/forum/forum/67-clan-recruiting-advertising/
  11. Ight bro ill hit you up with a friend request when I get on, and i'll probably be on later tonight about 10 eastern. And under me? Im a platoon leader?
  12. This is ghost ud. You get my message earlier about being a trainer? And 100? Wow I didnt know we had that much. I got one friend who wants to join.
  13. Banshee for sure. I heard some people say that neither the hornet or falcon would be in halo 4 but that would be stupid. My guess would be the falcon and MAYBE the hornet. I hope for both though.
  14. Yeah I know which sucks because it will most likely be a campaign vehicle and if they are counting that as the 2nd vehicle, then we only really have one new vehicle :/. If there was another driveable vehicle though you would think they would announce it by now though.
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