First of i would like to say i have nothing against anyone or are directing this to any certain group of people.
I am by no means a new member. I joined back in September and just sat in the background watching things unfold for the most part but i never passed "green" and because of this is can clearly see part of the problem on these forums.
Some of these have been adressed but i will bring up everything i feel that is holding the community back
- New members being treated like trolls (i have seen people judged by the name they choose before they ever post)
Ex- 343ibot: Welcome to the community Weicsa!
Dedicated member: Another troll just joined why dont we get this over with by banning them
-A green member post in the shoutbox and everyone shouts No spamming, but then dedicated and trusted members will go overboard with the smilies and nobody yells at them.
- A green member shouts hello in the Shoutbox and no one replies. A second later a dedicated member shouts im getting kinda of tired and then he gets 4 or 5 replies right of the bat.
Also i have seen things that almost make me sick like long time members posting a going away message. And then someone would post a status update about bacon and get more replies than the leaving member
I feel bad for the moderators because no matter what they do people will challange it. Believe it or not i can tell there is some sort of inside groups that turn people against each other. Others have hinted at this and i feel like if you do something wrong you get treated like crap forever.
I would also like to point something out to my fellow green members. Rank means absolutely nothing! Do not spam to get trusted you are only ruining your experience on this site.
Trust me when i say this "Its about the journey not the destination" so dont rush to dedicated because when you get there you will find out that its a bitter sweet victory getting dedicated but not earning it.
I could put much more into this but i want to get my thoughts across to the community. Treat everyone equal and do not rush to dedicated. Everyone is the same and should be treated that way no matter what the color of your name is.
I want to give a shout out to the mods and members that have been standing up for the community and whats right.
And for those that have left because of the recent drama all i have to say is please come back to us, the community is not the same without you guys
Avictus out